Christmas Day December 25 2022. At the writing of this post, this day is coming to an end.
As I already mentioned, for the first time ever, Cindi and I have been following a daily Advent book written by Brian Zhand called The Anticipated Christ. The Scripture reading for Christmas Eve, is of course the account in the Gospel of Luke chapter 2:1-20. Probably the most read and familiar Scripture of all during the Christmas season. Parts of this Scripture story is even quoted by the character Linus in a Peanuts Christmas cartoon! (an interesting background how that came about is worth researching) And so it still surprises me how many times you can see or ponder something new when reading something so familiar!
While last year I wrote what I pondered, about Joseph and Mary, knowing that she conceived the Messiah and was carrying the Son of God in her womb, how strange that must have been, and almost surreal! She is great with child, and yet traveling to Bethlehem by coincidence(?) probably not even knowing they were fulfilling prophecy! At the same time what could Joseph have been thinking? As the man, responsible for the safety and welfare of his betrothed who was great with child!
Instead of just reading the verses, put yourself in place of the Biblical characters, and force yourself to only know what they knew about the events at the time! Consider that we know how the whole story played out, they were living it one day at a time, one event at a time.
And so today, I pondered different Biblical characters in this story like never before. Consider the shepherds. It has only been the past year or two that I learned the likelihood that the shepherds might have indeed been young teenage girls! (that is another story).
Okay but either way, that night a heavenly host appears before them proclaiming the first thing angels always proclaim: "Be Not Afraid". This is because as the King James bible puts it: "they were SORE afraid"! But the angels have "Good tidings of Great Joy..." It then goes on to say in 2:16-20 "And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."
So we notice that there is a couple of verses detailing the reaction of the shepherds after having seen and heard the angels, and seen the baby Jesus, and of course their proclaiming all that they had seen and heard as it was told unto them. And then my pondering mind questioned... Now what? I was kind of curious for the first time, if you put yourself in the place of a shepherd that day... then what?
Consider that suppose they were teenage girls tending the sheep, just for the sake of argument. That would be a pretty traumatic event. One they will not soon forget! But they just seen the Messiah as a baby. It is then 30 years in obscurity before Jesus begins His ministry! Seeing Jesus as a baby, and then nothing for 30 years!
Thirty years! These supposed teenagers would now be in their mid 40's before the fruits of what they saw began to take place. Now, we do read about Jesus in the temple at 12 years old, but that is something private between Jesus and his parents, and almost no one would know until it was recorded by the Gospel writers. Certainly not the shepherds either.
So, I ponder, what did the shepherds do after those days for the next 30 years? I don't think they even knew where He went when Joseph was told by an angel to take the family to Egypt. Matt. 2:14 "When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt," And while this verse says they departed, the voice of the angel in verse 13 said: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt,". This makes me think that is was done in such a secret that even the shepherds did not know they left or where they went. Is it possible that when the 30 years had past, and Jesus began His ministry, did they know it? Did they find Him? Did they become His followers? We are not told any of this, but what do you think when you ponder this?
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