And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Thursday, December 15, 2022

On Earth, As It Is In Heaven

As I write this post, we have begun the Christmas season. About three weeks into the Advent calendar, which I have begun to pay more attention to this year than any other as a new way to discover deeper truths in the Scriptures. And I am learning new things that also shed light on some old things I knew.

All of this contemplation has made me consider the comparisons between how the Hebrews in the TeNaK (Jewish Old Testament) interpreted the coming Messiah and His purpose in the earth, compared to how Christians interpret the New Testament and the end of the age.

It is common knowledge that most of the Jews before Jesus, were looking for a Messiah to rule on David's throne, and to be the one who would finally release them from the occupation of Rome. This is how they  misinterpreted the Messianic prophecies to be fulfilled. So when Jesus came, and began His ministry they did not recognize Him because of their preconceived ideas. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." John 1:11.

In fact most Jews today do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah, and instead believe that a Messiah is still yet to come; of course not to release them from Rome; but to set up the Kingdom of David in Israel and to restore it's former Glory in fulfillment of prophecy. 

As far as some Jews believe, Jesus is not the Messiah because like all of the former Jews who claimed to be the Messiah before Him; and even including Jesus; failed to fulfill all of the Scriptures concerning the Messiah's reign. In fact how the Jews interpret the Scriptures of the Messiah coming is; they believe it would be a one time event taking place, fulfilling all of the prophecies at once; even the ones that Christians have Jesus fulfilling at the end of the world, rather than a process.

"Peace on earth, good will toward all men". This would be a sign of the reign of the Messiah having come.  Do we have peace on earth since Jesus came and died on a cross? In fact we can all agree that the history of Christianity against the Jews, and to other non believers over the past 2,000 years have been horrific! Is that the fulfillment of Messianic Scripture? It would also not take much convincing to prove how badly Christianity has represented the life and calling of Jesus to His disciples in the earth!

Let's just admit how poorly we all live the life that Jesus has called us all to live. "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another." John 13:35. Can all men know that we are Jesus' disciples by our love for others; how about our love for other Christians? We can't even decide on that! And what do you suppose might be a reason for living a life other than what we are clearly called to live by the very Savior we profess?

We might explore that just as the Jews thought that their enemies were God's enemies, so do we think that our enemies are God's enemies. In fact, that is where we both get it wrong! God has NO enemies!! And if WE DO have enemies, then we are NOT fulfilling the commandment of Jesus, or the purpose of God! "God so loved the world..." John 3:16 also, "We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen." 1 John 4:19-20.

Just as most of the Jews believed; and some still do; that God will still send the Messiah, and rid the earth of His enemies, so also most of the Christians believe that Jesus is still yet to come a second time and destroy all of  His enemies, (the non Christians), And take the select few with Him to heaven so that He can have one last battle on earth to wipe it out and then create a new heaven and a new earth where peace finally reigns.

If there is one thing this Christmas (Advent) Season is to teach us; the whole Reason for the Season, so to speak; is that it is a reminder to live out the same love of the God who loved the world; not just then, or later but now, as that which expresses the reality of the Savior of the World who lives and reigns in our hearts here on earth.

 The Jews do not have to wait for some future Messiah to appear, just like we do not have to wait for some future "Second coming" to happen. The same as the Jews misinterpreted the Scriptures and did not recognize the "time of their visitation", so also it is important for Christians to not misinterpret the Scriptures, and thereby miss out on the truth that Jesus is NOT coming in vengeance to destroy the earth, and murder millions in a great bloody battle, but rather the only blood that needed shed was His own on the cross!

Eschatology is a study of end time events. There is a difference between the times of the end, and the end of time. Just as many of the Jews did not interpret Scripture in a manner that revealed the Truth about Jesus being the Messiah, so also it is important for Christians today to interpret Scripture properly, or miss out on how Jesus destroys His enemies with Love, just as He calls us to do, until "the last enemy which shall be destroyed is death,"  1 Cor:15:26.

During this time of year, let it serve as a reminder that we are not waiting for the world to be destroyed, but for the world to be saved by Jesus Christ. And the world WILL be saved, since Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world!

 God's aim is not about getting Christians to heaven but rather getting Heaven to operate in the earth. Father, may it be as it is written: "...Your kingdom come Your will be done On Earth, As It Is In Heaven


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