And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas In The Midst Of Tragedy

I am writing this post the day after Christmas 2022 in the hopes that it can provide some comfort for someone whose Christmas time; now or in the past; has not been the joyous occasion they expected because of some tragic events so near to this season, that has violently ripped the joy right out of their hearts. What follows is an email that I wrote to someone close to me in response to our conversation, followed by the very post I wrote 10 years ago:


"I am so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law passing away, and the sad news about your dog's condition! What makes it harder is that it happened before Christmas, because Christmas is such a family time of celebration!
Many people remember the dates of events like this based on how close it came to Christmas, either before or after, which then some might say "At least they got to spend Christmas together".

Seems to me that when something like this happens before Christmas, then it taints the joy of the whole celebration. With that in mind, I remembered that I wrote a post on a blog that I have after the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012. Ten years ago just before Christmas, and while I wrote it, I did not send it in to be published because no matter the good intent, I did not want to offend someone not ready for any other perspective than grief.

And so, I am offering this writing to you in a link that you can read or not, in the hopes that it might help put these sad events into a endurable place of memories that helps to heal the grief of a sad occasion in the middle of a joyous occasion."


A Reason For The Season

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10,11

This quote from the angels to the shepards watching over their flocks that night, which is recorded by Luke in his Gospel IS the reason Christians celebrate this season we call Christmas (and part of the reason some others do not)!

Now, there has been a controversy for years about the meaning of Christmas, and the war on Christmas, and the commercialism of Christmas. Some Christians get upset for fear that Christ is being taken out of Christmas, and others believe that He was never "in" Christmas. We do not know the actual date of the birth of Jesus, and it was very likely that it was not during December anyway. There is a lot of myths and traditions surrounding this particular holiday that some object to, and others defend.

While I am aware of the many arguments from both sides, the brevity of this post cannot do more than to acknowledge such controversy, in order for me to focus the emphasis of this post mostly on a comment I have about a very recent and public tragedy, shed in the light of an important reason for this season.

The recent public tragedy I am referring to is of course the mass shooting, and murder of 20 kids and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. During one of the many news broadcasts, and human interest stories that I listened to, it was mentioned that some of the families were taking down their Christmas decorations because they did not feel it was appropriate to celebrate the holiday in light of fact that their children were killed. And who am I to say any different? Indeed they have every right to express their grief in whatever way that gives them some relief.

There is no right or safe way for me to comment from the outside about what those on the inside choose to do, but I am hoping that since it is after the fact, and this Christmas will have passed by the time this is posted, my thoughts may be considered with less emotion and more reason, whether agreed to, or disagreed to by the reader.

The first thing that came to mind after hearing about the desire to "cancel Christmas" was; that if Christmas was just a holiday, and had no other meaning other than a secular celebration of Santa, and toys, and days off school, and parties, then by all means, take the decorations down! There is no joy available, nor hope of any goodness nor reason to celebrate so soon after such an event. And every year for years to come, this time of year will bring fresh memories to tarnish any future joy or happiness in the Christmas' to come.

But, if indeed, the True meaning of Christmas; yes the True Reason for the Season is understood to be in fact, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, then there is no more appropriate NEED for Christmas than right now! "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope." I Thess. 4:13

The school shooting replaced their hope with despair, but Christmas is all about the One who is the Hope of the world! The school shooting is all about an evil act, and yet Christmas is all about an act of the highest Love! The school shooting was an act causing death with weapons of warfare, and yet Christmas is all about an act of the giving of life with an announcement of "Peace on earth, good will toward men!"

For those families in Connecticut, this Christmas season came with a terrible act of violence, causing much weeping and sorrow. Likewise, at the time of the birth of the Savior of the world, it was also filled with a great act of violence and bloodshed. " When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:"A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
Matt. 2:16-18

If Christmas is a time of celebration for celebration's sake, then by all means take the decorations down! If it is just another holiday, then take the decorations down. If it has no meaning or significance, then everybody; take the decorations down! What are you celebrating anyway? If it is just so that the stores can add profit enough to get out of the red, and into the black, then that is not enough of a reason for anyone to bother with all of the trouble and expense.

This post is not meant in anyway to chastise anyone for their sorrow, or their handling of their sorrow, but if it can be received in the way it is intended, then my hope is that by reflecting on the greater hope that we have because of a death, that began as a birth, in a little town in the Middle East, some 2,000 plus years ago; then whether we are talking about this tragedy, or any other at any other time of year, there is one who came to heal the broken hearted, and to set those who are captive free.

The Christmas season can hold a lot good and bad memories for a lot of people. I think everyone has Christmas memories they can share. I remember some of the gifts I got for Christmas when I was younger, and the traditions we had as a family growing up. We even have some traditions of our own now, and memories that we have fostered over the years.

 I watched videos of soldier dads surprising their kids by coming home on Christmas, which will be remembered by them for a life time,  but their are never videos of the dads that don't make it home which will be remembered too. My friend's dad died just a few weeks ago, and my dad is spending this Christmas in the hospital.

All of these are strong memories tied to a very memorable time of year, which is either just memorable because it is just another holiday, or it is a special holiday, because it has a special reason for it's existence. Special because it is used to celebrate the promise of Hope, and Love, and  Salvation, and Joy to the world!

Perhaps, it is a good idea to keep the decorations up. Perhaps, such promise can heal the wounded hearts. Perhaps hope can replace despair. Perhaps, we can once again discover that out of the dung pile of evil, the Rose of Sharon can still bloom, in our hearts and provide for all mankind, A Reason For The Season?


I know that I do not get very many readers to my blog postings, but I am not writing this to the MANY, I am writing this to the ONE who would read them and have it mean something! And if you are reading this far, then perhaps you are the one I wrote this for? Perhaps this post will be the one post you needed to read to give you back the joy of Christmas In The Midst Of Tragedy

Sunday, December 25, 2022

When You Ponder The Christmas Story.

 Christmas Day December 25 2022.  At the writing of this post, this day is coming to an end. 

As I already mentioned, for the first time ever, Cindi and I have been following a daily Advent book written by Brian Zhand called The Anticipated Christ. The Scripture reading for Christmas Eve, is of course the account in the Gospel of Luke chapter 2:1-20. Probably the most read and familiar Scripture of all during the Christmas season. Parts of this Scripture story is even quoted by the character Linus in a Peanuts Christmas cartoon! (an interesting background how that came about is worth researching) And so it still surprises me how many times you can see or ponder something new when reading something so familiar! 

While last year I wrote what I pondered, about Joseph and Mary, knowing that she conceived the Messiah and was carrying the Son of God in her womb, how strange that must have been, and almost surreal! She is great with child, and yet traveling to Bethlehem by coincidence(?) probably not even knowing they were fulfilling prophecy! At the same time what could Joseph have been thinking? As the man, responsible for the safety and welfare of his betrothed who was great with child! 

Instead of just reading the verses, put yourself in place of the Biblical characters, and force yourself to only know what they knew about the events at the time! Consider that we know how the whole story played out, they were living it one day at a time, one event at a time.

And so today, I pondered different Biblical characters in this story like never before. Consider the shepherds. It has only been the past year or two that I learned the likelihood that the shepherds might have indeed been young teenage girls! (that is another story).

 Okay but either way, that night a heavenly host appears before them proclaiming the first thing angels always proclaim: "Be Not Afraid". This is because as the King James bible puts it: "they were SORE afraid"! But the angels have "Good tidings of Great Joy..."  It then goes on to say in 2:16-20 "And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."

So we notice that there is a couple of verses detailing the reaction of the shepherds after having seen and heard the angels, and seen the baby Jesus, and of course their proclaiming all that they had seen and heard as it was told unto them. And then my pondering mind questioned... Now what? I was kind of curious for the first time, if you put yourself in the place of a shepherd that day... then what? 

Consider that suppose they were teenage girls tending the sheep, just for the sake of argument. That would be a pretty traumatic event. One they will not soon forget! But they just seen the Messiah as a baby. It is then 30 years in obscurity before Jesus begins His ministry! Seeing Jesus as a baby, and then nothing for 30 years!

Thirty years! These supposed teenagers would now be in their mid 40's before the fruits of what they saw began to take place. Now, we do read about Jesus in the temple at 12 years old, but that is something private between Jesus and his parents, and almost no one would know until it was recorded by the Gospel writers. Certainly not the shepherds either.

So, I ponder, what did the shepherds do after those days for the next 30 years? I don't think they even knew where He went when Joseph was told by an angel to take the family to Egypt. Matt. 2:14 "When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt," And while this verse says they departed, the voice of the angel in verse 13 said: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt,". This makes me think that is was done in such a secret that even the shepherds did not know they left or where they went. Is it possible that when the 30 years had past, and Jesus began His ministry, did they know it? Did they find Him? Did they become His followers? We are not told any of this, but what do you think when you ponder this?

Of course the wise men who came to visit the new born King, left after bringing their gifts, and returned home by a different route than they came, after being warned in a dream. What were their lives like after that? Who could go through all that they went through traveling some 1,000 miles there and 1,000 miles back, and not have it forever change their lives? What do you think when you ponder this?

And so we know that while the birth of the Savior of the world took place in obscurity in the humblest of circumstances, it changed forever the lives of those who witnessed it and took part in that event. And during His ministry Jesus changed the lives of everyone He met. And for 2,000 years, Jesus is still changing the lives and hearts of EVERYONE He is still meeting to this day! Perhaps even as a reader of this blog no matter how familiar this story is to you, and no matter how many times you have read it or heard it read, your own heart will be made to change a little more again When You Ponder The Christmas Story!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

A New Perspective On Life.

 I have been a regular supporter of the series; now in it's third season called The Chosen. I remember hearing about it when it first started, but did not know how to access it. And then upon further investigation, after the first four episodes I managed to find it and have been a fan ever since. 

I have watched all of the episodes so far, and most of the videos put out by the Chosen explaining it's beginnings, and the process, and the cast interviews, and the behind the scenes etc. And I have put my money where my mouth is, both in donations and buying Chosen gifts. 

I am also well aware of the countless videos from those who are against this series and it's director Dallas Jenkins. I don't even bother with what they have to say past knowing they don't like it. It is obvious that while they think they might be defending the faith, they do not consider the millions of people who this show has impacted for the Gospel, and the renewed interest it has made for those to restore or discover a relationship with God and to pursue finding this Jesus through Bible studies, and going to church, and fellowship with other believers! All that one has to do is to pay attention to some of the videos where Dallas would read letters that he received from people whose lives were changed!

The content of a scene in episode two in season three is one of many that have stirred the hearts of people around the world who can relate to the very things that are discussed between the character "little James" and Jesus. And to get an understanding of how that episode is able to impact viewers, then you must watch this interview between Dallas and Nick Vujicic seen here  The Chosen Interview .

I have watched an interview by Nick some years ago, and he is certainly an inspiration to be thankful for what you do have, instead of focusing on what you don't. But there was one thing that struck me in this Chosen interview more than anything else, and that is the part of the interview around the 18:15 mark, where he said: "I have a cousin who said to me, 'I will never believe in your god because he made you like this'". I was astounded that his cousin could say such a thing! Here Nick is the believer, and the one with no arms and no legs, and yet his cousin said that he is the one who can't believe in a god who would "do that to him"? Little does his cousin know of the value God places on everyone He creates! Even more so with those who are outcasts and valued little by others.

Nick said there is 1 in 10 people in this world with a disability, and yet I might argue that it is 10 in 10! It is God who created ALL and put ALL under the curse and consequences of sin so that He would have Mercy upon ALL! (c.f. Rom. 11:32.)

There is a saying that goes like this: " I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." I can't imagine what our excuse for crying is after meeting a person like Nick who has no arms and no legs. And yet it is not like we don't ALL have episodes of our own pity parties! I have had plenty of my own, that I would be ashamed to admit, but we have these reminders from Nick, and this episode of the Chosen, that can give us A New Perspective On Life.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

On Earth, As It Is In Heaven

As I write this post, we have begun the Christmas season. About three weeks into the Advent calendar, which I have begun to pay more attention to this year than any other as a new way to discover deeper truths in the Scriptures. And I am learning new things that also shed light on some old things I knew.

All of this contemplation has made me consider the comparisons between how the Hebrews in the TeNaK (Jewish Old Testament) interpreted the coming Messiah and His purpose in the earth, compared to how Christians interpret the New Testament and the end of the age.

It is common knowledge that most of the Jews before Jesus, were looking for a Messiah to rule on David's throne, and to be the one who would finally release them from the occupation of Rome. This is how they  misinterpreted the Messianic prophecies to be fulfilled. So when Jesus came, and began His ministry they did not recognize Him because of their preconceived ideas. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." John 1:11.

In fact most Jews today do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah, and instead believe that a Messiah is still yet to come; of course not to release them from Rome; but to set up the Kingdom of David in Israel and to restore it's former Glory in fulfillment of prophecy. 

As far as some Jews believe, Jesus is not the Messiah because like all of the former Jews who claimed to be the Messiah before Him; and even including Jesus; failed to fulfill all of the Scriptures concerning the Messiah's reign. In fact how the Jews interpret the Scriptures of the Messiah coming is; they believe it would be a one time event taking place, fulfilling all of the prophecies at once; even the ones that Christians have Jesus fulfilling at the end of the world, rather than a process.

"Peace on earth, good will toward all men". This would be a sign of the reign of the Messiah having come.  Do we have peace on earth since Jesus came and died on a cross? In fact we can all agree that the history of Christianity against the Jews, and to other non believers over the past 2,000 years have been horrific! Is that the fulfillment of Messianic Scripture? It would also not take much convincing to prove how badly Christianity has represented the life and calling of Jesus to His disciples in the earth!

Let's just admit how poorly we all live the life that Jesus has called us all to live. "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another." John 13:35. Can all men know that we are Jesus' disciples by our love for others; how about our love for other Christians? We can't even decide on that! And what do you suppose might be a reason for living a life other than what we are clearly called to live by the very Savior we profess?

We might explore that just as the Jews thought that their enemies were God's enemies, so do we think that our enemies are God's enemies. In fact, that is where we both get it wrong! God has NO enemies!! And if WE DO have enemies, then we are NOT fulfilling the commandment of Jesus, or the purpose of God! "God so loved the world..." John 3:16 also, "We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen." 1 John 4:19-20.

Just as most of the Jews believed; and some still do; that God will still send the Messiah, and rid the earth of His enemies, so also most of the Christians believe that Jesus is still yet to come a second time and destroy all of  His enemies, (the non Christians), And take the select few with Him to heaven so that He can have one last battle on earth to wipe it out and then create a new heaven and a new earth where peace finally reigns.

If there is one thing this Christmas (Advent) Season is to teach us; the whole Reason for the Season, so to speak; is that it is a reminder to live out the same love of the God who loved the world; not just then, or later but now, as that which expresses the reality of the Savior of the World who lives and reigns in our hearts here on earth.

 The Jews do not have to wait for some future Messiah to appear, just like we do not have to wait for some future "Second coming" to happen. The same as the Jews misinterpreted the Scriptures and did not recognize the "time of their visitation", so also it is important for Christians to not misinterpret the Scriptures, and thereby miss out on the truth that Jesus is NOT coming in vengeance to destroy the earth, and murder millions in a great bloody battle, but rather the only blood that needed shed was His own on the cross!

Eschatology is a study of end time events. There is a difference between the times of the end, and the end of time. Just as many of the Jews did not interpret Scripture in a manner that revealed the Truth about Jesus being the Messiah, so also it is important for Christians today to interpret Scripture properly, or miss out on how Jesus destroys His enemies with Love, just as He calls us to do, until "the last enemy which shall be destroyed is death,"  1 Cor:15:26.

During this time of year, let it serve as a reminder that we are not waiting for the world to be destroyed, but for the world to be saved by Jesus Christ. And the world WILL be saved, since Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world!

 God's aim is not about getting Christians to heaven but rather getting Heaven to operate in the earth. Father, may it be as it is written: "...Your kingdom come Your will be done On Earth, As It Is In Heaven


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Taking The Lord's Name In Vain?

In several of my previous writings, I have talked a lot about context. The idea of interpreting Scripture based on the context of who is talking, what is being said, who they are talking to, what is their purpose of saying what they are saying in context with the whole passage or writing. How often we take verses that we perhaps have memorized and use those verses in a way that contradict the very meaning of the verse?

As another example of seeing how context matters, I am including a copy of a writing by a minister, and YouTube video channel person by the name of Brandon Robbins. You can find a link to his channel HERE. I would recommend checking it out, he has some great content on his channel that can teach you many things. 

Having said that, I got an email lesson from Brandon, who has actually wrote about a subject that I have believed and known for years, and since I intended to write a post about this very thing, I am including what he wrote instead, which does express very well my thoughts.

"What if I told you that "taking the Lord's name in vain" has nothing to do with cursing?


Well, consider this for a moment... 


When police tell someone to stop in the name of the law, they aren’t claiming that the word “law” has any power.  What they mean is that they are invoking the authority of the law.  They bear its name.  They represent the law.  


This is also how the word "name" is used throughout scripture.  The Hebrew word for “name” is shaym.  And shaym refers to more than just the word you use to address someone.  Shaym refers to a person’s identity, their authority.  To bear a person’s name means that you are that person’s representative.  


This actually changes the way we understand many familiar scriptures. 


For instance, when God says “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” (Exodus 20:7), God isn’t talking about using God’s name as part of a curse word.  God is talking about how we represent God in this world.


This is also the case when Jesus says, “No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me.” (Mark 9:39)


Jesus isn’t referring to people who simply say the word “Jesus.”  Jesus’ name isn’t a magical phrase.  His name represents his identity, his authority.   Those who do things in Jesus’ name are representing him.


So, in the end, this isn’t a matter of simply saying the right words.  It’s deeper than that.  It speaks to our relationship with Jesus, how we represent him in the world.


Do we truly bear his name well?


Or do we take his name in vain?

This is something that James often asks his congregation throughout the Epistle of James. They are fighting. They are harming one another. And he forces them to ask themselves: how are we bearing Jesus' name?"  end of quote.

I remember years ago, when I was a new Christian, and this lady from the church I attended, talked about how she chastised someone in line at a store for cursing when he said: "Jesus Christ". She said how she shouted at him to "Stop taking the name of my savior Jesus Christ in vain!" I never realized until after how negative of a witness that was. She thought she was defending His Name, but instead  she would have better defended His Name if she showed this person love and grace instead. 

We have all heard people use the Name of Jesus as a cuss word, however  now that we know what taking the Name of the Lord in vain means, I do think that rather than changing their way of talking, we can change our way of thinking, One way I have considered is recognizing that it can be a way of the spirit within that person expressing a prayer! (I know but hear me out) If someone says " God damn it". What are they expressing? That this God they don't believe in would stop or damn up what ever is frustrating them. 

When Peter walked on the water, and then began to sink he cried out, "Lord please help!" Matt 14: 22-33. It was not a long prayer.... Lord I come to you at this time, and I ask that you would please rescue me in a time of my distress.... etc. It was just three words! How is that much different than others, even though it is not necessarily mixed with faith? And yet, perhaps unknown to them, it is indeed their spirit crying out to the Lord? Since we know that "for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Rom. 10:13 EVERYONE! Of course we know that it is not a cry unto salvation as we profess as a believer, but being saved is more than just a one time act. 

So, there we have more insight into the context to know if we or others are, Taking The Lord's Name In Vain?