And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free

I have heard it quoted many times "the truth will set you free." But that is mistaken! The actual verse is found in John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Do you see the difference? It may seem like a small point, but it is an important fact that truth will NOT set you free unless you know that truth! Truth can only have the power of it released to set you free when you know what that truth is. There are many things that are believed to be true that are not, and as long as you believe things to be true that are not, you remain in bondage to that lie. The truth is that Jesus is the savior of the world. Unless you know that to be true, you cannot apply that fact to your life, and you will live as though it were not true, and the truth of it cannot set you free. Instead you will remain in bondage to whatever deception you believe otherwise. Am I overstating the case by talking about being in bondage? I do not think so. Consider the story of how elephants are trained. From the time they are young and in captivity, there is a heavy chain put around their leg and very securely attached to the ground so that they cannot break free no matter how hard they try. It is like this for a long, long time. Then one day the elephant gives up, it does not try to break free and escape anymore. After that the owner can now put on a thin rope, and secure it with an easily dislodged peg in the ground, and the elephant will remain in bondage because it doesn't know the truth. So then, what if we say that we believe what the Bible says so that means we must know the truth then? Is that the case? Don't most churches say that they believe the Bible, and that they preach the truth of the word of God? If that is the case, then how come there are so many different denominations many of whom preach contrary things? Well, I think you have to consider whether the foundation of what you say you believe is contained in the bible or in traditions that have been passed down for generations. And while everyone would be able to point to verses they use to back up their beliefs, is it the Truth of the Word that you believe? Before you protest, consider what Jesus said in the sermon on the mount. In Matt. 5 several times He says "You have heard it said...... but I say unto you......" What was He doing? Giving them truth! Setting them free! "The letter kills, but the spirit gives life"! Consider what Jesus thought of the Pharisees, and the religious leaders of His day. These are people who memorized great portions of Scriptures. Some of them entire books of the Torah, and yet at one point He says to them, Mark 7:13 "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." About 15 years ago I was taking a correspondance Bible college course, and one of the subjects was Church History. I was amazed at the amount of things I learned during that course. Most of that subject dealt with the period of time in the early 15oo's from the Reformation under Martin Luther, to the present day. It detailed the progression of the various denominations and the differences in doctrines that divided them. Moreso, though was the traditions that were passed down from one generation to another. One thing I learned for sure is, that we can only see as far as the revelation we have been given, and that determines how far we will go with the truth we believe. People get a revelation from God on a point of truth, and that is where they stay. That is where they set up camp. That is where future generations become in bondage to that revelation. God said it, they believe it, that settles it! But God is still speaking, and unless we hear what He is saying NOW, we will be left behind in our understanding of Him, and thus dead in our traditions. One pastor put it this way, "If the church was in Abraham's position they would have sacrificed Issac on the altar anyway, because that is what God told them to do! Not listening to what God is saying NOW!" It is progressive revelation! "You have heard it said...... but I say unto you....." Progressive revelation. Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know [them], and be established in the present truth. 2 Peter 1:12 What is God saying NOW? He still speaks, are we still listening? What if you search why you believe what you believe, and find out it has no basis in truth for now, are you willing to follow the truth no matter where it leads? Are you willing to trust God more than what you have been taught otherwise? What if it costs you your friends? What if people think you are being deceived, or that you are being led astray? In future posts I expect to detail some examples of things I have learned that are contrary to traditional church beliefs. Be willing at least to question whether these things that I will write are true or not. If not, then what have you done other than to more firmly establish within yourself what you already believed. But perhaps there are some things you will read here, and it just maybe that there is some Truth you will come to know that WILL set you free.

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