This blog is called On A Human Journey. It is called that for a reason as explained in my first post. I believe that we all are first spiritual beings created from the very being of God who is Spirit, and that we were LOWERED into this human physical existence for a reason. I believe that reason is because there is something that our Spiritual being can only learn by going through the process of this human experience. Sort of an on the job training, so to speak. That on the job training encompasses all of our time, both what we need to do, and what we want to do. Asleep or awake, aware or unaware, every breathing second, every heart beat is a part of the process that our spiritual being must experience.
In my last post I talked about certain experiences I had that matured my understanding of the nature of God. I detailed one, and intend to add to that as these posts continue, but one of the most major changes in my life took place about early summer of 1993. It so transformed my spiritual walk that it will take several posts to explain it.
I only mention it now, because most of what I believed about God began to change on that day and much of what I write is a result of the change that took place. But for the purpose of this post I hope to make a point about another thought.
On Friday, a quick thought and verse came to mind while at work. The title of this post is the theme, and the verse is found in Hebrews 5:8 "Though he were a Son (Jesus), yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;" Do you find yourself asking the question what does that mean? Was Jesus disobedient, and then had to suffer to become obedient? I do not believe so, and yet it did cross my mind.
Since we know that Jesus was never disobedient, it seems He had to learn by the experience of suffering in His humanity. What it was like to have to be obedient all the while experiencing suffering. Thus there is the relatable experience whereby the Hebrews writer could say in 4:15 "For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin."
No one could say that God does not understand what it is like to be on this human journey. So, how does this relate to why we are going through this human journey?
Let me try to explain my point this way. God said in the beginning, "Let us create man in our image and likeness." And so we know that Adam was created, and made and formed (not synonymous words). It is my belief that Adam was NOT the man that was intended when God spoke "Let us create man in our image and likeness." I believe that the New Creation Man, is the man that God intended and that Adam was just the first step to that process, and I have many reasons for that belief.
The biggest reason I think of, can be found in what God says AFTER the sin took place in the Garden. "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:" Gen 3:22. Most people think that God was testing their love, or that He didn't know what they would do, or that it was Adam and Eve's fault for not believing, and that the whole human race would still be in the Garden of Eden if they just did not blow it!
But that reasoning is so faulty in too many ways to name. Let me just say that Jesus was not God's plan "B". God was in complete and sovereign control at all times, and dare I say that it was God's purpose and plan right from the beginning that Adam and Eve would sin in disobedience. All that happened was purposed to happen and part of God's creative process.
Until then, Adam only knew God as creator. That was the level of his experience. He did not know by experience one single characteristic of God's nature. Adam did not know the mercy of God. How could he? He had never experienced it before then. God could declare that "His mercy endures forever", but how does he know the mercy of God unless he is in a position to need it? "God is love." But how does he know the love of God until he experiences it? What about kindness, gentleness, longsuffering, power, strength, sovereignty?
One of the things that is taking up my free time the past few months is that I am in the process of becoming a pilot. I am still at the pre-solo stage, and am very near that milestone in my training. One thing I can tell you from my experience at this point, is that as much as I can tell you, will never substitute for actual hands on at the controls flying the airplane experience for yourself!! You can share in my excitement, (and believe me, I will post my solo experience here after it happens) but as good as any explanation I could come up with would never compare to a personal experience.
Now how different is that from having a personal experience with God? All that anyone could tell you about their experiences could never compensate for personal on the job, human journey, experience for yourself. And who is best to design the most perfect on the job training experiences that are needed to give you the most intimate and individual attention necessary to provide that experience?
Let me add this thought. You probably have seen the bumper sticker "God is my co-pilot". I have also seen the bumper sticker that said, "If God is your co-pilot, you are sitting in the wrong seat." Consider this; from my experience as one who is learning to fly, there is only ever one person who is designated as "Pilot in Command" or PIC in any airplane. At this stage of the game, until I get to fly solo, even if I am performing all of the controls, without input from the instructor, he is still PIC. Perhaps, even though it seems like we have the controls of our life in our own hands, God is still PIC all the while we are On The Job Training.
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