Genesis 2:19-20 "And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field;" ... (KJV)
Every web site I looked at that mentioned Adam naming the animals were all focused on the fact that he would have called a lion a lion or a cow a cow, or when he saw a horse he gave it the name horse etc. There were some sites questioning whether Adam had enough time in one day that he was given to be able to name all of the animals, or if he had to name species etc. How many names did Adam have to come up with anyway? Well, if you are satisfied that the point of that verse in Genesis was just to inform us that the reason we call a muskrat a muskrat is because Adam first called a muskrat a muskrat, then it is okay to believe that, but I think there is a much higher spiritual truth to be learned here, and if you are interested in looking a little deeper, then read on.
I am fully convinced that Adam did not just call a dog a dog or a cow a cow, I believe that Adam actually gave each animal their very nature! It is not that a lion was brought before Adam, and that Adam said "I will call that animal 'Lion'". I believe the very nature and character that is possessed by that lion, is one in which Adam determined for that lion to have.
Have you ever heard someone say "He is as sly as a fox," or refer to someone having the "courage of a lion" or people are slothful, eat like pigs, as stubborn as mules, and as busy as beavers scared as rabbits? I believe it is Adam who gave each of those animals their very nature and character. And where did he come up with those characteristics for each of the animals? I believe it was from within himself. Each one of the characteristics and natures that we find animals possess, came from the very nature Adam found within himself!
Why is this important to know? Well, I hope to explore more deeply in future posts the meaning of names, and to show that each name represents a characteristic, and reveals a part of the nature of the thing that is named... most especially God! And most especially Jesus! And knowing this may actually change the way you pray from then on!
But for now consider the fact that Adam "natured" all of the animals, and he got those natures from within himself. Tell me if knowing that changes the way you look at the meaning of the following verse: "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made..." (Gen 3:1) The question you have to ask yourself is who named (natured) the serpent? Where did the serpent get it's subtilness? I believe it came from Adam.
Now, before this actually comes into play, we find a very significant situation arose when Adam named the animals, and he saw that each had a mate. There was a male and a female companion that compared to itself. But for Adam the bible says: "there was not found an help meet for him." (Gen 2:20)
Why is this significant? Well, I believe very strongly that God was showing Adam about His own plan and purpose for creation through his experience, thus showing us if we will take notice. What does the scripture say? "Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness." The reason Adam could not find a mate in the animal kingdom is because he is made in the image of God Himself!
God wanted to reproduce Himself in the earth. He creates Adam (male and female) from Himself. Adam cannot find another like him and it is as if God is expressing His own desire for One like Himself! Adam, can't you see, that just as you desire a mate that compares to yourself, so do I? The bible goes on to say that God put Adam into a deep sleep and took a rib from his side and made the woman.
Well there is plenty of evidence that it was not a rib taken from Adam's chest as you may suppose. Adam was created male and female, and God removed the female part from the male part. This explains Adam's expression "And Adam said, This [is] now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." (Gen 2:23) After this, the first thing God does is unite them back together again as "one flesh".
Do you see the comparison? The bible is one big Love story! God is male and female so to speak, and He creates out from Himself man (male and female); bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh; in a spiritual sense, and thus forms the church which is called "The bride of Christ"! Scripture talks about the "marriage supper of the Lamb". Thus by separating the woman from the man, and then uniting them again to become one flesh
God demonstrates his purpose of uniting creation back unto Himself.
I have spent a lot of time rewording this to try to make it more clear. I am not sure I have accomplished that task. I do feel the need to continue with some of these thoughts later, but for now it is my hearts desire that the Holy Spirit within you will in fact take this feeble attempt of mine and clarify it to your understanding and unfold the mysteries of deep spiritual truths to you, whereby you may see more clearly that indeed God's plan and purpose for creation is One Great Big Love Story... the greatest ever told!
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