And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Life As We Don't Know It.

I was listening to the radio today and there was a biologist who was explaining that they found some microbotic life form, that was different from anything they have known about before. It did give me pause to consider the unfathomable creativity of our God, who has not only created the heavens and the earth, and all of the variety of animals, and the variety of the fish, and the variety of the birds, and all the things that we can see, but also the vast variety of complex life forms that are beyond the ability of our naked eyes to see. Microbes so small that you need a microscope to even know of their presence!

Consider for a moment with me, while I ponder the limitless boundaries of the creative design of our God. The fact that many of the things which have only recently been discovered, have existed for hundreds of centuries before they were discovered! It was not until the invention of the microscope that mankind was able to even explore such a tiny life form! This discovered microbe apparently "eats" a substance that is toxic to man. Which means that it may become something which not only can "feed" this microbotic universe, but at the same time rid this toxic substance from harming mankind.

Every time I watch the Discovery Channel or some nature program that explores life on this planet, it never ceases to amaze me that were it not for recent technology, these things would never have been seen by human eyes, and also how long such majestic beauty has gone unnoticed by billions of people.

Rev. 4:11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

Isn't it great how God has included within the makeup of man, even the part of Himself that is not only creative, but that also takes pleasure in that which is created! The first year that I drove my parents in their motor home from Ontario to California, we stopped several times at tourist areas along the way, and I got to see such overwhelmingly beautiful sights, it was hard to even comprehend! We stopped at Carlsbad Caverns, and the underground beauty is beyond words to describe. We also visited the Petrified Forest, and the Painted Desert, which is such a sight to behold. With the vast variety of color, it is as if the sand became the canvas of the Creator's artistic brush work. But if you want to really give your eyes a treat that will make you grateful you can see would be to visit the Grand Canyon! Don't just look at pictures in a book, admire the view in person if you ever get the chance!
And so we see that same creativity of beautiful things found within the hearts and hands of  human artists. Painters, sculptors, and craftsmen, all expressing themselves in ways that release this God given nature within them to copy their Creator! But, lets not limit such creativity to our visual senses only, for our hearing can present us with such auditory wonders as well!
No matter what your taste in music, there is an unlimited variety of sounds to satisfy every musical pleasure. Even if one is tone deaf, and cannot carry a tune in a bucket, there is strangely enough self pleasure in those, who will regal any within the sound of their voice, whatever rendition that passes out past their lips to the public airways.
Let us not forget those culinary creators whose gift is to delight the palate with such succulent taste bud treats. Shall I continue to describe in detail  how pleasure can be gained from our sense of touch? It reminds me of a video that was an Internet sensation about some people that held up a sign offering free hugs!
Of the five senses we have, the last one to mention here is smell. We all know how unpleasant it is to smell things that have a bad odor, and how pleasant it is to smell things that have such a good odor! I have heard that our sense of smell is one of the strongest memory triggers that is known. It is amazing the details with which we can recognize even the faintest differences in odors, and how it is that a particular smell can immediately transport us to a place and time in our mind from many long forgotten years ago.
From the earth to the heavens, and we can not even imagine those sights unseen by flesh and blood of planets and stars and galaxies in the outer reaches of the universe. Each orb is ordained by a Sovereign God, who sustains all things by the Word of His Power!
 But, what about those things beyond the realm of physical existence? There are many people who say that they won't believe unless they see it with their own eyes. You can't always trust your eyes to not deceive you. An optical illusion is a good example of that. The fact is that we do not experience things with our senses anyway, they just become the gateway to the brain, and it is our brain that interprets what each signal is transmitting into a recognizable part of life as we know it.
But what about Life as we DON'T know it? After all, this bog is all about our being Spiritual beings on a Human Journey, and while we so often get caught up in the human journey part, we are spiritual beings first! How much of our Spiritual side do we really understand? How would your life change if you knew more about who you really are in Spirit? Did you know that there is not one verse in the Bible that says you have to die to go to heaven? We ARE seated WITH HIM in Heavenly places! We are encouraged in Scripture to "come up higher." To live on a higher realm of existence. We are created with a greater purpose in mind than to live a mundane life.
Bob Torango has done some awesome work in studying the spiritual truths behind human DNA. He has written many studies about it, and even formed it into a book that can be found HERE. One astounding aspect to this study is that every DNA cell contains the entire "Book" of every detail of our life! And there is the possibility that contained within our DNA is a "switch" that can change us from mortal beings into immortal beings! The possibility that perhaps when the "fall" took place in the Garden, that what actually happened was a part of our DNA became inaccessible. That were were "lowered" into this "wilderness" existence. (As a side note, it has been pointed out how a wilderness is just an unkempt garden!) He describes how scientists have discovered parts of our DNA they do not know what it is for, and they have called it "Junk DNA" since they think it serves not useful purpose. However maybe within that section of DNA is the key to open us up to a whole new Life As We Don't Know It. At least not yet.

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