"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
There are a few ideas floating around in my Spirit to write about, and I am trying to let it settle down within me, so that it can become clear to the reader when they read this post what I am trying to say. The verse above popped into my heart as a continuation of my last post, and so lets start there.
I talked about how that it is always NOW with God. That He is not limited to this time, space, continuum. How it is that time is a function of a linear frame of reference consisting of a measurement between the happening of events. A dictionary states one meaning of time as this: the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
No matter how we define it, God is not limited to it. He is no more surprised by an event, than you would be if you watched the six o'clock news, and then saw a repeat at the eleven o'clock news! "That which is past is yet to be..." So we can see then how it is that the opening of the verse at the top says; before you call He will answer. God already knows what the desires of your heart are going to be, because He is the one who gave them to you in the first place. What follows is interesting too, because it is that God will even bother to listen to you while you ask Him what He has already put into motion to answer.
I have read many stories over the years of people who write about how they prayed for something, and the answer came quickly to them, but the provision had to have already been in motion many days ahead of time. A check in the mail that was posted a week earlier arrives the day of the need, and the request that was made. And for anyone who is interested in countless examples of God's provision, at the very time there was a need it would do your heart good to read about the life of George Mueller
This is the other verse that was in my heart to write about. "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4 I guess we could talk about the conditional requirment for getting the desires of you heart, is to first delight yourself in the Lord. And, while it can be easily thought of as a materialistic verse, I think it is more maturely defined as a verse that has nothing to do with materialistic possessions!
I look at it this way. The very desires that we have; God is the one that gives them to us. In other words, the very fact that we have a desire for something.... even more especially if that desire is to know Him more... God is the one who gave us that desire! Then having put that desire within us: He fulfills it within us!
How about the Human Journey example first. The easiest way I can relate this is to say that I spent 15 years as a sport skydiver . I have just short of 1100 jumps out of perfectly good airplanes! When I first started jumping, and for many years it was almost an obsession for me. Every weekend, warm or cold I was at the airport looking to get up in the air. The funny thing was that there are many people who I talked to that had no desire to do what I did! Where did that desire come from? It was a unique gift from God to me. Then it seemed almost suddenly, about 10 years ago, that it was not as important to me. It was as if I didn't need to jump anymore. The last time I jumped was about 5 years ago. That passionate desire was gone.
Now, I am almost as obsessed with learning to fly. There seems to be some "desire in my heart" to be airborne that was waiting it's time for fulfillment. Every time I hear a plane go by, I look up to find it and track it with a longing to join them, at least in some sort of vicarious way. Yet, my wife has no desire to even fly any more than she absolutely has to! It is a good thing she is not tall, she would maybe be too afraid to stand up! haha.
Such a unlimited variety of interests and passions and desires. Some people love sports. My dad is one of them. He would watch tiddly winks if that was the only sport to see. There are artists and musicians, accountants and lawyers, truckdrivers and tugboat captains, carpenters and masons, doctors and astronauts! God has made each one of us unique, and has given each one of us the desires of our heart! And more importantly, He fulfills those desires within us. But that is not just limited to the Human Journey level, it is also on the level of relationship with Him! Anyone who has the tiniest desire within them to know their Creator is because, their Creator put that desire to know Him within them! And He is the only One that can fulfill that desire!
This is an important point that should not be overlooked! "There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God." Romans 3:11. This is something that most Christians do not understand about themselves, nor about other people they come in contact with. "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:" John 6:44a The Greek word for "draw" used here is the word helko hel'-ko; probably akin to haireomai; to drag (literally or figuratively) -- draw. The same word is used in the verse from John 12:32 "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me."
While I will definitely write more about this subject in future posts, I will say this now... Jesus died for ALL men, and He will save everyone He died for! To those who don't believe that to be true I will suggest you look up the verses that use the word ALL, and then ask yourself what you don't understand about ALL is it the "A" or the two "L's"? The place where most Christians, and Pastors and Teachers go off track is that they are taught and believe contrary to clear Scripture otherwise, that God's ability to affect a person's salvation is over with after the point of mortal death. This is simply and clearly NOT true.
I would like to say this to the cautious reader who may not be familiar with what I have just said, and may be wondering what it is they are about to discover contrary to what they have been taught and always believed. If there is even the slightest desire within you to know MORE about God than you have known up until now; if you can sense within the deepest recesses of your being that God is bigger than anyone has been telling you; if ever you questioned whether God could possibly know what He is doing with creating mankind only to let the majority of them suffer for eternity because of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden; then I recommend you do not neglect searching for an answer. And an excellent article to read for more information in the mean time that goes beyond the scope of this blog post would be found by clicking the link HERE to read what Preston Eby has written.
Who knows, perhaps you did not even know you had this desire until it was stirred up within by reading this post? If that is the case, then for sure you are experiencing for yourself first hand what it is like to Get The Answer Before You Ask.
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