I have been going through a little bit of nostalgia the last few weeks. My wife and I just went opening weekend, to see the new movie that just released called "The Jesus Revolution". We have been seeing trailers, and I have watched lots and lots of videos of interviews with the cast, and some of the people who experienced the events of this movie. It was very good, and I highly recommend anyone to go see it if you are wondering.
It is based on the true story of a pastor of a church in California during the late 60's and early 70's into what became known as the Jesus freaks and hippies of that time. His church was on the verge of closing because of the poor attendance, and a hippie named Lonnie Frisbee, who met with the pastor, Chuck Smith; who didn't like hippies, but who softened to the idea of opening his church doors to invite those hippies in to hear a message of the love of God. Within a short time the church could not contain the converts and they had thousands attending services in a large outdoor tent. And they baptized thousands of people in Pirate's Cove Bay.
And while I was never a part of the hippie movement, I did leave home when I was 16 in 1973 and through an unusual series of circumstances I gave my heart to the Lord when I was around 17 or so. I don't really remember the date, but just the circumstances of praying to ask Jesus into my heart in my bedroom with the woman who would soon be my wife. To be honest, I did not really feel "Saved". I did not feel much different at the time.
Perhaps the next summer, or the one after that, (I am not good with dates) there was a Jesus Festival held at Courtcliffe Park in Carlisle Ont. and we went to it, where they had Christian singers, and preachers and teachings in different areas of the park for the weekend. Bennie Hinn preached there; a singer named Honeytree, who was one of the hippies that got saved sang there. One of the days I heard a preacher named Brian Ruud, and for me, it seemed like there was just God and me and Brian there, and I would argue that I received the Baptism of the Spirit right then!
I used to smoke, and got delivered from smoking that day, by just throwing my pack on the stage. And I had an immediate desire to learn more about God and go to church Wednesdays and twice on Sunday! I even sensed a calling to study for the ministry. Well, the studying happened, which let to a ministry of sorts in a few years, leading bible studies for a group of mostly poor people who were being helped by a lady who opened up a store front called Operation Blessing, based from an idea watching the 700 Club. That would be about 1983?
This would be the first of a few life changing encounters I have had with God. Another was more detailed in my earliest posts having an encounter again with God after listening to a video sermon by Willie Hinn in 1993. The most recent I have been writing about more in the posts from the last couple years after God filling a deep hunger for more of Him. Some very up and down times in the more than 48 years since that prayer in the bedroom.
It is clear from even my nostalgic look down memory lane, that not everyone who were mightily used of God led the kind of life they preached about, and were full of human failures. But that does not take away from the countless people who did hear from God, got saved and who went on to follow Jesus themselves, including me.
At the time of this writing, there has been an awakening or revival or some move of God happening at a bible college in Asbury KY. for the past several weeks. Thousands of people have flocked to the town with more than twice the visitors than residents. It started after a handful of students stayed to worship God after chapel services, and it grew from there going non stop for weeks. Like always there are also those who will voice fervent objections to this event, claiming it is NOT of God, just like was done during the 70's and yet at the same time nothing seems to deter from the Spirit of God changing lives in very real ways!
There is a saying that goes: "A person with an argument is no match for a person with experience." And so I have heard some "Pharisaical" comments full of the law and condemnation instead of realizing the "fruits" of what God is doing! And while not everything bore fruit, it did not stop God from working in the lives of people in mass numbers in every revival in history!
And really, with all that is going on in the world today, and with the turmoil and division in our Country; With the atheism of the youth who have not been exposed to church or the salvation message, and instead are force fed garbage like the world will end in 10 years, and life in the womb has no value, and there is no distinction in genders, and there is no hope, no God, no reason to live. School shooting and gun violence being blamed on the guns instead of realizing it is not a problem with guns, but rather these are all the symptoms of a value problem with a society rejecting God. It is hard to love one another and still find the need to shoot the "another".
This world is ripe for another move of God, and it is the longing of my heart and soul that God would sweep down on this land with His Holy Spirit, and renew the hearts of the people back to God in a very real and profound way! It is time we stop cursing the darkness, and let the light of the Life of God shine forth in a glorious fashion to the astonishment of all who are lost and without hope! Do not quench the Spirit. 1Thes 5:19 And do not suffer loss, ...because you did not know the time of your visitation.” Luke 19:44
Even so, come Lord Jesus! Rev 22:20 It is time for this generation to experience personally for themselves The Jesus Revolution.
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