And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Saturday, January 21, 2023

I Was Left Unsupervised!

We all want our life to have meaning. We want to know that our life matters, and that it has a higher purpose than just getting through the day. When we get to the end of our life, we want to know that our life made a difference in the world.  And even if we do not know the meaning of our life's purpose yet, it is not unusual for everybody to want to know how the unplanned events in their life fit into the bigger picture. Especially the bigger events. The events that usually alter the direction you are going or planning to go, for the good or the bad. The most often asked question is "Why me Lord?"

On January 14th 2023  I climbed on the kitchen chair to take a Happy Retirement banner down that I put up for my wife's retirement celebration. While stepping down I lost my balance which landed me on the floor with a thud, only to find out that I broke the ball off the femur in my right hip! With a total hip replacement a couple days later,  I am now home to endure the next several weeks to recover. 

Yet, while I knew that the moment I hit the floor my life was going to be changed for the next several months, I also had the resolution to just accept the results and take it one step at a time (no pun intended). I had an inner peace that God was guiding this whole detour, so I tried to have a good attitude with everyone that was involved in taking care of me. I was very moved by all of my friends who quickly sent me their well wishes.

 I talked later with a friend on the phone about the accident, and was regaling my foolishness to fall, and joked how when I get to heaven, God will say to me:

 "What did you do with the body I gave you?" To which I thought at the moment of this meme I have seen many times before, shown here. I said: "In my defense, I was left unsupervised".

 At the time I was making a joke, and then I thought about it some more afterward and realized THAT is the way most people see God in their life anyway!

It is more obvious for those who don't believe in God. If you don't think God exists, then there is "no supervisor." And if you think that God does exist but He is not involved in creation, then you would say you are left unsupervised by Him. In fact I would suggest that maybe they believe if there was a God, He would have more noticeable control and assume the so called, bad events are proof that He doesn't.  

 But what about those who are believers? What about the ones who know that God is real? The ones that profess Jesus as Lord? We are the ones who are supposed to know, and trust. How often do we quote Romans 8:28 All things work together for good... Until one of the ALL things happen? 

I tell you an important truth! You are never left unsupervised by our Creator! There is never a time in which God is not present with you right in the midst of whatever tragedy or circumstance or difficulty you are going through. Deut. 13:6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Even if you do not know the why at the time. We don't know the future, or how future events are shaped by present circumstances. But we do know who holds the future. Very likely you will not see the end from the beginning at the time. Many stories are told of people who get checked out for a small thing, that catches a more fatal hidden issue. Those times can let you know the why. But is knowing the why that important to trusting God who knows the why?

 Does it really matter if you understand all the implications or not? Does trust and faith only apply if you can see the bigger picture, and know the outcome? Or can you have faith enough to put it all in the hands of the Father, without question? Can you trust, not questioning motives, or reasons, or purposes, or outcomes? Can you just walk in the light you are given? That is all God asks us to do. Trust Him. 

I read something a while back something that sticks with me, which said: "A child will ask his father why, but a SON never has to ask". Meaning, that it is a sign of maturity to trust the father's good will and intentions, so the father never has to be questioned. Therefore, if you find yourself still questioning, then take it as a sign that you still have some maturing to do. There is nothing wrong with that. Children are not blamed for acting like children. But adults can be blamed for acting like children. Expecting the adults to be more mature because of experience. Are you a child in the faith? Then you know you have some growing to do. Are you an adult in the faith? Then your response will confirm or question your maturity.

I can write these things because I have lived them! It is not just how many years you have been a believer, but how much experience you have with trusting Jesus during those years. Many times in the past, I remember something would happen and I was devastated knowing that the outcome would be so much trouble to deal with, and I would plead an beg God that I would not have to go through the consequences of that trouble and I would question God why, when I did have to suffer those results. But I learned through the experience and the passage of time, that God was indeed faithful, and most of my fears were just bigger than my faith. 

It has been pointed out that every time a heavenly being manifests itself in the bible the first words are: "Fear Not."  That is the "faith-boosting" you may need today! Fear Not! Therefore, be encouraged as you read these words in this post! God does love you. God is intimately involved in every aspect and circumstance and detail of your life. And most importantly you will never say in your defense I Was Left Unsupervised!

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