And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Time Is Funny That Way

This day has almost come to an end as I write this post. What sets this day apart is that it is my 65th birthday. I usually don't get that excited about my birthday, but this one does mark the unofficial retirement milestone. Which is not to say that I am retired as of now, for we have talked about working for another year first, to be more financially secure. 

And so, while I suppose I could retire from my job at any point after this date, I am still healthy enough to continue working, and might only stop out of frustration more than any other reason. As I said in an earlier post: The rest of the story has not been written yet, and we would have to visit in a year from now to see if I am still working, or what happened between now and then. And while I have to live out the day to day for the next 365 days, and anyone following this blog would have to wait it out; anyone else not reading it until a year from now or more for the first time would find out in a matter of a few minutes the answer to what happened.

Time is funny that way. So many Podcasts that I have listened to over the past year; most of them have been recorded live from since 2017, and I have been able to listen to them all up to date without having to wait the 5 years to pass week by week. Although I still went through the same 5 year period, but it is like starting a race 5 years late, and catching up. 

It was the same thing as I mentioned before about when I first watched a video tape in 1993 of Willie Hinn preaching a message in 1987 called "Mistaken Identity". I had the advantage of catching up to most of the sermons he had preached since then to "feed" my desire to know more. That same desire has been renewed this past year, at an accelerated pace having many more hours in a day to listen to these podcasts while driving.

We are shortly going on vacation to an all inclusive resort in Mexico for a week, and we are looking forward to the time of rest. I have plans to use all of my saved up vacation this year to take much needed breaks from work, and hopefully provide me more endurance to continue working through the challenging days of driving for 8 hours a day back and forth across the State into Ohio and back. 

The plan today was to fly this morning to an airport in Mifflin County Pa, KRVL for their monthly breakfast. It was sunny today, and would have made a nice entry in my log book that I flew on my birthday, but it was very cold; in the low 20's, and since there was some snow on Friday, the runway was rated as poor braking conditions. And considering that it would be a short flight during such cold conditions, that would have taken much of the fun out of the trip. 

Instead, we drove to Denny's for breakfast, for the first time since before COVID hit. It was kind of a celebration setting the day apart, and then with a steak dinner Cindi cooked for us, my "birthday meals" were taken care of having an excellent sufficiency!

I did spend several hours today reading a new book I bought written by Peri Zahnd, wife of Brian Zahnd, pastor of Word of Life church, based on their trip a few years ago on the El Camino del Santiago; a 500 mile 40 day walking pilgrimage in Spain. I have heard Brian preach a number of times telling stories of their experiences on this sabbatical they took, and the book is pleasantly enjoyable reading. To highlight the reading experience I have also watched a couple of programs on people walking the Camino so I can get a visual of the sights that Peri describes so well.  Not that there is any plan to ever do so myself.

However, I do get to read the highlights of their pilgrimage in a few hours time on a weekend, that took them 40 days to complete. Time Is Funny That Way.


  1. Does this mean that you see time as flexible or maybe just tailor made for us? God is the Beginning and Ending and all things between. We see things by second, minute and hour, but, are frustrated by times passing when we want something NOW. Patiently waiting as God removes dead stuff from us and brings forth His life in us is so hard. Right now the starter on my car has died. I prayed when I tried to start it this morning, but, no it is dead. "Lord, what are You trying to show me this time?" Then, there is your blog. All things in His time and I am certainly changing in thought, emotion and things that I do and say. God is good!

  2. I believe that time is a creation of God, and that God lives outside the realm of time, so that God is in the ever present NOW. We wait for the process of time to take place, and God uses that experience of events in time, to form the likeness of His Son in us. I do wonder if we will get to experience the realm of time the same way, as God when this mortal life is over?
