"There are a few days when I have blog thoughts, usually
while I am working, but then the thought will vanish, or I am too tired to post
it, or not enough time. Or I am mostly lazy about it. So, unless something
particular stands out, and I feel compelled to write, then a lot of time will
pass between posts."
So goes a quote from me to a previously mentioned friend, with whom I share such similar Spiritual views it is as if we are of One Voice.
The following is his response, which I have been permitted to post here. I am in so much agreement, that once again, it is as if he put words to my thoughts. Part of the reason for being so open in posting this here is that I am convinced that for some it may be a source of encouragement, since it is easy to loose sight of the fact that first; there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus! And second; God is in Sovereign control of ALL things in His universe. The universe doesn't contain Him, He contains the universe! Thus, we should rest in His ability to accomplish His purpose in us, using all things to work together for good!
My friend's email begins:
"I sure do understand this attitude about the things of
God......Sometimes. at work when I can do little about it because I am at work I
will get this tremendous urge to seek Him, to write something or other. Well, I
can't do it at that time. But, later when I have time my focus is gone and I
can't seem to muster any motivation to do those things. I would rather watch a
ball game or a movie or go online and look up some frivolous unimportant stuff.
I know I am wasting it but don't seem to have the motivation to right the
Yet, I wonder if this isn't the way it is supposed to go
for a season or two? I think of some scriptures in a very different light than
what is commonly taught to support this coldness and lack of fire. What about
the scripture that says that another generation was raised up that didn't know
the ways of God.....This generation was the one after Moses/Joshua's time that
hadn't seen God's mighty works and so didn't believe so demonstratively. Well,
what if during our sojourn here it is necessary to live through times when He
brings up a generation within us, that is, a season of time that we have those
great works we have seen of the Lord somewhat covered over within our
consciousness so that we live almost as if we never experienced them? They are a
distant memory buried in the spirit realm. What would be the benefit of such a
time? Perhaps to gain empathy for those around us that have never experienced
such things? Perhaps we have some part of us that received such great works of
God in younger days with too much immaturity....Perhaps these things puffed up
the flesh in some ways so now they need be denied so that these dry barren times
would have the purpose of working those things out in some ways?
Now, the church system would tell one in such a state
that they are backslid. Perhaps some are. But, perhaps some don't understand
that this process must take place so in ignorance they have misidentified the
process thus failing to see the true effect intended. This too would be in the
hands of God. But, what if I am right and the Lord is in control of even what
would appear to be a "backslid" state and it is a season we must go through to
have a deeper working of His Spirit within us? What a difficult state to believe
in! Only by the grace of God would vision and faith be given to gain benefit
from such a state seeing His hand working in it.
I think of those scriptures that speak of the falling
of "Lucifer" (the bright morning star). Forget about the teaching that Lucifer
is Satan ( a foolish teaching). We are those formed in the image of Christ by
His grace as bright shining morning stars. What if these scriptures speak of a
process that must take place in the sons of God? What if, even though we be
princes in His kingdom, we must be brought low to the earth again? What if we
must be cut down losing our supposed position of earlier years when we thought
the way was up, up UP! Instead we must go through seasons where we are brought
low, almost unbelieving so that we might truly believe in ways we never dreamed
of. What if these ways that religion identifies as being meant for those
estranged and outside the faith are actually our ways that we must go to know
Him more completely and have the deeper workings of flesh taken care of. Who
would travel such ways by their own volition? Who would identify such ways as
godly? The natural religious man avoids these things as a plague but we are led
right into them! They are given power over us for a time!"
Aren't you glad I could share this writing? I think that there are too many times Christians will live under condemnation, or denial because of a distorted spiritual self assessment, not realizing that even those things we struggle with are still included in the total package being part of His Purpose In All Things
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