And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Reason For The Season?

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10,11

This quote from the angels to the shepards watching over their flocks that night, which is recorded by Luke in his Gospel IS the reason Christians celebrate this season we call Christmas (and part of the reason some others do not)!

Now, there has been a controversy for years about the meaning of Christmas, and the war on Christmas, and the commercialism of Christmas. Some Christians get upset for fear that Christ is being taken out of Christmas, and others believe that He was never "in" Christmas. We do not know the actual date of the birth of Jesus, and it was very likely that it was not during December anyway. There is a lot of myths and traditions surrounding this particular holiday that some object to, and others defend.

While I am aware of the many arguments from both sides, the brevity of this post cannot do more than to acknowledge such controversy, in order for me to focus the emphasis of this post mostly on a comment I have about a very recent and public tragedy, shed in the light of an important reason for this season.

The recent public tragedy I am referring to is of course the mass shooting, and murder of 20 kids and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. During one of the many news broadcasts, and human interest stories that I listened to, it was mentioned that some of the families were taking down their Christmas decorations because they did not feel it was appropriate to celebrate the holiday in light of fact that their children were killed. And who am I to say any different? Indeed they have every right to express their grief in whatever way that gives them some relief.

There is no right or safe way for me to comment from the outside about what those on the inside choose to do, but I am hoping that since it is after the fact, and this Christmas will have passed by the time this is posted, my thoughts may be considered with less emotion and more reason, whether agreed to, or disagreed to by the reader.

The first thing that came to mind after hearing about the desire to "cancel Christmas" was; that if Christmas was just a holiday, and had no other meaning other than a secular celebration of Santa, and toys, and days off school, and parties, then by all means, take the decorations down! There is no joy available, nor hope of any goodness nor reason to celebrate so soon after such an event. And every year for years to come, this time of year will bring fresh memories to tarnish any future joy or happiness in the Christmas' to come.

But, if indeed, the True meaning of Christmas; yes the True Reason for the Season is understood to be in fact, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, then there is no more appropriate NEED for Christmas than right now! "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope." I Thess. 4:13

The school shooting replaced their hope with despair, but Christmas is all about the One who is the Hope of the world! The school shooting is all about an evil act, and yet Christmas is all about an act of the highest Love! The school shooting was an act causing death with weapons of warfare, and yet Christmas is all about an act of the giving of life with an announcement of "Peace on earth, good will toward men!"

For those families in Connecticut, this Christmas season came with a terrible act of violence, causing much weeping and sorrow. Likewise, at the time of the birth of the Savior of the world, it was also filled with a great act of violence and bloodshed. " When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:"A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
Matt. 2:16-18

If Christmas is a time of celebration for celebration's sake, then by all means take the decorations down! If it is just another holiday, then take the decorations down. If it has no meaning or significance, then everybody; take the decorations down! What are you celebrating anyway? If it is just so that the stores can add profit enough to get out of the red, and into the black, then that is not enough of a reason for anyone to bother with all of the trouble and expense.

This post is not meant in anyway to chastise anyone for their sorrow, or their handling of their sorrow, but if it can be received in the way it is intended, then my hope is that by reflecting on the greater hope that we have because of a death, that began as a birth, in a little town in the Middle East, some 2,000 plus years ago; then whether we are talking about this tragedy, or any other at any other time of year, there is one who came to heal the broken hearted, and to set those who are captive free.

The Christmas season can hold a lot good and bad memories for a lot of people. I think everyone has Christmas memories they can share. I remember some of the gifts I got for Christmas when I was younger, and the traditions we had as a family growing up. We even have some traditions of our own now, and memories that we have fostered over the years.

 I watched videos of soldier dads surprising their kids by coming home on Christmas, which will be remembered by them for a life time,  but their are never videos of the dads that don't make it home which will be remembered too. My friend's dad died just a few weeks ago, and my dad is spending this Christmas in the hospital.

All of these are strong memories tied to a very memorable time of year, which is either just memorable because it is just another holiday, or it is a special holiday, because it has a special reason for it's existence. Special because it is used to celebrate the promise of Hope, and Love, and  Salvation, and Joy to the world!

Perhaps, it is a good idea to keep the decorations up. Perhaps, such promise can heal the wounded hearts.Perhaps hope can replace despair. Perhaps, we can once again discover that out of the dung pile of evil, the Rose of Sharon can still bloom, in our hearts and provide for all mankind, A Reason For The Season?


Thursday, December 13, 2012

His Purpose In All Things

"There are a few days when I have blog thoughts, usually while I am working, but then the thought will vanish, or I am too tired to post it, or not enough time. Or I am mostly lazy about it. So, unless something particular stands out, and I feel compelled to write, then a lot of time will pass between posts."
 So goes a quote from me to a previously mentioned friend, with whom I share such similar Spiritual views it is as if we are of One Voice.
The following is his response, which I have been permitted to post here. I am in so much agreement, that once again, it is as if he put words to my thoughts. Part of the reason for being so open in posting this here is that I am convinced that for some it may be a source of encouragement, since it is easy to loose sight of the fact that first; there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus! And second; God is in Sovereign control of ALL things in His universe. The universe doesn't contain Him, He contains the universe! Thus, we should rest in His ability to accomplish His purpose in us, using all things to work together for good! 
My friend's email begins:

      "I sure do understand this attitude about the things of God......Sometimes. at work when I can do little about it because I am at work I will get this tremendous urge to seek Him, to write something or other. Well, I can't do it at that time. But, later when I have time my focus is gone and I can't seem to muster any motivation to do those things. I would rather watch a ball game or a movie or go online and look up some frivolous unimportant stuff. I know I am wasting it but don't seem to have the motivation to right the thing.....

      Yet, I wonder if this isn't the way it is supposed to go for a season or two? I think of some scriptures in a very different light than what is commonly taught to support this coldness and lack of fire. What about the scripture that says that another generation was raised up that didn't know the ways of God.....This generation was the one after Moses/Joshua's time that hadn't seen God's mighty works and so didn't believe so demonstratively. Well, what if during our sojourn here it is necessary to live through times when He brings up a generation within us, that is, a season of time that we have those great works we have seen of the Lord somewhat covered over within our consciousness so that we live almost as if we never experienced them? They are a distant memory buried in the spirit realm. What would be the benefit of such a time? Perhaps to gain empathy for those around us that have never experienced such things? Perhaps we have some part of us that received such great works of God in younger days with too much immaturity....Perhaps these things puffed up the flesh in some ways so now they need be denied so that these dry barren times would have the purpose of working those things out in some ways?

      Now, the church system would tell one in such a state that they are backslid. Perhaps some are. But, perhaps some don't understand that this process must take place so in ignorance they have misidentified the process thus failing to see the true effect intended. This too would be in the hands of God. But, what if I am right and the Lord is in control of even what would appear to be a "backslid" state and it is a season we must go through to have a deeper working of His Spirit within us? What a difficult state to believe in! Only by the grace of God would vision and faith be given to gain benefit from such a state seeing His hand working in it.

       I think of those scriptures that speak of the falling of "Lucifer" (the bright morning star). Forget about the teaching that Lucifer is Satan ( a foolish teaching). We are those formed in the image of Christ by His grace as bright shining morning stars. What if these scriptures speak of a process that must take place in the sons of God? What if, even though we be princes in His kingdom, we must be brought low to the earth again? What if we must be cut down losing our supposed position of earlier years when we thought the way was up, up UP! Instead we must go through seasons where we are brought low, almost unbelieving so that we might truly believe in ways we never dreamed of. What if these ways that religion identifies as being meant for those estranged and outside the faith are actually our ways that we must go to know Him more completely and have the deeper  workings of flesh taken care of. Who would travel such ways by their own volition? Who would identify such ways as godly? The natural religious man avoids these things as a plague but we are led right into them! They are given power over us for a time!"
Aren't you glad I could share this writing? I think that there are too many times Christians will live under condemnation, or denial because of a distorted spiritual self assessment, not realizing that even those things we struggle with are still included in the total package being part of His Purpose In All Things