And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 1 Corinthians 15:49

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Reason For The Season?

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10,11

This quote from the angels to the shepards watching over their flocks that night, which is recorded by Luke in his Gospel IS the reason Christians celebrate this season we call Christmas (and part of the reason some others do not)!

Now, there has been a controversy for years about the meaning of Christmas, and the war on Christmas, and the commercialism of Christmas. Some Christians get upset for fear that Christ is being taken out of Christmas, and others believe that He was never "in" Christmas. We do not know the actual date of the birth of Jesus, and it was very likely that it was not during December anyway. There is a lot of myths and traditions surrounding this particular holiday that some object to, and others defend.

While I am aware of the many arguments from both sides, the brevity of this post cannot do more than to acknowledge such controversy, in order for me to focus the emphasis of this post mostly on a comment I have about a very recent and public tragedy, shed in the light of an important reason for this season.

The recent public tragedy I am referring to is of course the mass shooting, and murder of 20 kids and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. During one of the many news broadcasts, and human interest stories that I listened to, it was mentioned that some of the families were taking down their Christmas decorations because they did not feel it was appropriate to celebrate the holiday in light of fact that their children were killed. And who am I to say any different? Indeed they have every right to express their grief in whatever way that gives them some relief.

There is no right or safe way for me to comment from the outside about what those on the inside choose to do, but I am hoping that since it is after the fact, and this Christmas will have passed by the time this is posted, my thoughts may be considered with less emotion and more reason, whether agreed to, or disagreed to by the reader.

The first thing that came to mind after hearing about the desire to "cancel Christmas" was; that if Christmas was just a holiday, and had no other meaning other than a secular celebration of Santa, and toys, and days off school, and parties, then by all means, take the decorations down! There is no joy available, nor hope of any goodness nor reason to celebrate so soon after such an event. And every year for years to come, this time of year will bring fresh memories to tarnish any future joy or happiness in the Christmas' to come.

But, if indeed, the True meaning of Christmas; yes the True Reason for the Season is understood to be in fact, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, then there is no more appropriate NEED for Christmas than right now! "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope." I Thess. 4:13

The school shooting replaced their hope with despair, but Christmas is all about the One who is the Hope of the world! The school shooting is all about an evil act, and yet Christmas is all about an act of the highest Love! The school shooting was an act causing death with weapons of warfare, and yet Christmas is all about an act of the giving of life with an announcement of "Peace on earth, good will toward men!"

For those families in Connecticut, this Christmas season came with a terrible act of violence, causing much weeping and sorrow. Likewise, at the time of the birth of the Savior of the world, it was also filled with a great act of violence and bloodshed. " When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:"A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
Matt. 2:16-18

If Christmas is a time of celebration for celebration's sake, then by all means take the decorations down! If it is just another holiday, then take the decorations down. If it has no meaning or significance, then everybody; take the decorations down! What are you celebrating anyway? If it is just so that the stores can add profit enough to get out of the red, and into the black, then that is not enough of a reason for anyone to bother with all of the trouble and expense.

This post is not meant in anyway to chastise anyone for their sorrow, or their handling of their sorrow, but if it can be received in the way it is intended, then my hope is that by reflecting on the greater hope that we have because of a death, that began as a birth, in a little town in the Middle East, some 2,000 plus years ago; then whether we are talking about this tragedy, or any other at any other time of year, there is one who came to heal the broken hearted, and to set those who are captive free.

The Christmas season can hold a lot good and bad memories for a lot of people. I think everyone has Christmas memories they can share. I remember some of the gifts I got for Christmas when I was younger, and the traditions we had as a family growing up. We even have some traditions of our own now, and memories that we have fostered over the years.

 I watched videos of soldier dads surprising their kids by coming home on Christmas, which will be remembered by them for a life time,  but their are never videos of the dads that don't make it home which will be remembered too. My friend's dad died just a few weeks ago, and my dad is spending this Christmas in the hospital.

All of these are strong memories tied to a very memorable time of year, which is either just memorable because it is just another holiday, or it is a special holiday, because it has a special reason for it's existence. Special because it is used to celebrate the promise of Hope, and Love, and  Salvation, and Joy to the world!

Perhaps, it is a good idea to keep the decorations up. Perhaps, such promise can heal the wounded hearts.Perhaps hope can replace despair. Perhaps, we can once again discover that out of the dung pile of evil, the Rose of Sharon can still bloom, in our hearts and provide for all mankind, A Reason For The Season?


Thursday, December 13, 2012

His Purpose In All Things

"There are a few days when I have blog thoughts, usually while I am working, but then the thought will vanish, or I am too tired to post it, or not enough time. Or I am mostly lazy about it. So, unless something particular stands out, and I feel compelled to write, then a lot of time will pass between posts."
 So goes a quote from me to a previously mentioned friend, with whom I share such similar Spiritual views it is as if we are of One Voice.
The following is his response, which I have been permitted to post here. I am in so much agreement, that once again, it is as if he put words to my thoughts. Part of the reason for being so open in posting this here is that I am convinced that for some it may be a source of encouragement, since it is easy to loose sight of the fact that first; there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus! And second; God is in Sovereign control of ALL things in His universe. The universe doesn't contain Him, He contains the universe! Thus, we should rest in His ability to accomplish His purpose in us, using all things to work together for good! 
My friend's email begins:

      "I sure do understand this attitude about the things of God......Sometimes. at work when I can do little about it because I am at work I will get this tremendous urge to seek Him, to write something or other. Well, I can't do it at that time. But, later when I have time my focus is gone and I can't seem to muster any motivation to do those things. I would rather watch a ball game or a movie or go online and look up some frivolous unimportant stuff. I know I am wasting it but don't seem to have the motivation to right the thing.....

      Yet, I wonder if this isn't the way it is supposed to go for a season or two? I think of some scriptures in a very different light than what is commonly taught to support this coldness and lack of fire. What about the scripture that says that another generation was raised up that didn't know the ways of God.....This generation was the one after Moses/Joshua's time that hadn't seen God's mighty works and so didn't believe so demonstratively. Well, what if during our sojourn here it is necessary to live through times when He brings up a generation within us, that is, a season of time that we have those great works we have seen of the Lord somewhat covered over within our consciousness so that we live almost as if we never experienced them? They are a distant memory buried in the spirit realm. What would be the benefit of such a time? Perhaps to gain empathy for those around us that have never experienced such things? Perhaps we have some part of us that received such great works of God in younger days with too much immaturity....Perhaps these things puffed up the flesh in some ways so now they need be denied so that these dry barren times would have the purpose of working those things out in some ways?

      Now, the church system would tell one in such a state that they are backslid. Perhaps some are. But, perhaps some don't understand that this process must take place so in ignorance they have misidentified the process thus failing to see the true effect intended. This too would be in the hands of God. But, what if I am right and the Lord is in control of even what would appear to be a "backslid" state and it is a season we must go through to have a deeper working of His Spirit within us? What a difficult state to believe in! Only by the grace of God would vision and faith be given to gain benefit from such a state seeing His hand working in it.

       I think of those scriptures that speak of the falling of "Lucifer" (the bright morning star). Forget about the teaching that Lucifer is Satan ( a foolish teaching). We are those formed in the image of Christ by His grace as bright shining morning stars. What if these scriptures speak of a process that must take place in the sons of God? What if, even though we be princes in His kingdom, we must be brought low to the earth again? What if we must be cut down losing our supposed position of earlier years when we thought the way was up, up UP! Instead we must go through seasons where we are brought low, almost unbelieving so that we might truly believe in ways we never dreamed of. What if these ways that religion identifies as being meant for those estranged and outside the faith are actually our ways that we must go to know Him more completely and have the deeper  workings of flesh taken care of. Who would travel such ways by their own volition? Who would identify such ways as godly? The natural religious man avoids these things as a plague but we are led right into them! They are given power over us for a time!"
Aren't you glad I could share this writing? I think that there are too many times Christians will live under condemnation, or denial because of a distorted spiritual self assessment, not realizing that even those things we struggle with are still included in the total package being part of His Purpose In All Things

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Heavenly Laughter!

 Psalm 2
1Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and distress them in his great displeasure.
6Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7I will declare the decree: the LORD has said unto me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you.
8Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.
9You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
10Be wise now therefore, O you kings: be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Here is another example of a suprising new way of looking at a familiar verse, and a surprising way in which it came about. I am a truck driver for a freight company, and because it has been slow lately in the driving assignment that I have, they have me working the freight dock in the meantime. Well, that is one of my least favorite jobs to do, and now it is cold and always for me, a laborious boring task. I liken it to breaking big rocks into little rocks!

Once again Cindi comes into play here. I texted her to say that I was working the dock, and she replied that God must have some plan in mind. I joked that I was camping at camp murmur (see previous post). We joked about God taking delight in our misery, and I quoted "He that sits in the heavens shall laugh!"

Then the thought immediately strikes me with a question: "Who is the "he" that is sitting in the heavens? Where are you sitting? Aren't you seated in heavenly places?" Well, look at that verse in  Eph. 2:6 "And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:"

Okay, so lets look at some of these things. First thing that comes to mind is that "Heavenly Places" is NOT a location. It is not a literal place, it is a LIFE. Have you ever met someone very happy, and they say "I am in heaven!" They are not far from the truth! If we get our mind out of the natural earthy mindset, and focus on the mind of the Spirit, then we can have our head in heavens too; figuratively of course.

Secondly what comes to mind is that we are seated. Sitting in the figurative sense, as well as literal I guess is a place of rest, and a place of authority. A king sits on the throne. A judge sits behind the bench. These are places of authority, and there is no activity, but rather being at rest in the work that is being accomplished.

So, there we have it. We are sitting at rest in a place of authority in the heavens! And laughing, while we are at it! Ha. What then does that mean? Well, my guess is that it is more out of a sense of security and safety in the Sovereignty of God! In other words, not a care in the world. And why should we have a care in the world, when we are not of this world!? And when those in the world system would try to threaten our position in the heavens, (look at vs. 2,3) then we can laugh at the absurdity of it all (vs 4)! I think their derision maybe comes from confusion about their failed efforts.

I am sure that a more thorough examination of this Psalm would provide much more insight than the brevity of this post is meant to convey, and yet at the same time, if this provides a spark for some revelation of your own, then it is more than purposeful as kindling so to speak. Permit me if you will, some more comments.

Over and over we are reminded to "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" Phil. 2:5 and to,"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Col. 3:2 and also to, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,..." Rom.12:2. I am reminding myself by also telling you this, that we have been blessed in abundant measure; more than we could ask or think, in ways that go beyond any material measures! How could material things ever compare to the Grace and Peace and Love and Mercy that we have received from the Lord? How much worldly riches would you spend in exchange for one moment of Revelation of Truth that you have received from the Creator of the universe? Frederick Martin Lehman 1868-1953 tried to explain such a task in the following lyrics:

The love of God is greater farThan tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,And pardoned from his sin.

When years of time shall pass away,And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When men, who here refuse to pray,On rocks and hills and mountains call,
God’s love so sure, shall still endure,All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—The saints’ and angels’ song.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,Though stretched from sky to sky.

For us all to live each day with our hearts filled with an attitude of such wonderous awe, I cannot imagine ever having a day not overflowing with Heavenly Laughter!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Camping In Your Murmuring!

It can be interesting how inspiration or revelation will sometimes happen. I think you might enjoy a recent personal example.

My wife Cindi, related to me about a conversation that took place with her boss where she works. He happened to hear her sighing, and asked her what was wrong. At first she said that nothing was wrong, but then after some prodding, she told him that she was just murmuring like the Children of Israel did in the wilderness.

This prompted a long conversation about various things including different translations, and meanings of words and misinterpretations of the Bible. Curiosity about the possibility there might be some hidden gem in the meaning of murmuring in the Old Testament, lead Cindi to look it up in the original Hebrew language of the Strong's Concordance. Here is what that says:

Strong's Number: 03885 awl
Original Word Word Origin awl a primitive root
Definition to lodge, stop over, pass the night, abide (bold my emphasis)
(Qal) to lodge, pass the night to abide, remain (fig.)
(Hiphil) to cause to rest or lodge
(Hithpalpel) to dwell, abide to grumble, complain, murmur
(Niphal) to grumble
(Hiphil) to complain, cause to grumble
Translated Words
KJV (87) - ... the night, 14; abide, 7; continue, 1; dwell, 1; endure, 1; grudge, 1; left, 1; lie, 1; lodge, 33; lodge in, 2; murmur, 14; remain, 6; tarry, 2; variant, 3;
NAS (84) - abide, 2; dwell, 1; endure, 1; gazes, 1; growl, 1; grumble, 4; grumbled, 7; grumbling, 2; hang all night, 1; last, 1; left over, 1; lies all night, 2; lodge, 9; lodged, 6; lodges, 3; making, 1; night, 2; pass, 1; remain, 1; remain overnight, 2; remain with you all night, 1; sleep, 1; spend, 2; spend the night, 21; spent, 3; spent the night, 7;

What struck her, and myself as being odd was how that murmuring not only translated into grumble and complaining, as was expected, but how could it possibly also translate as lodge and abide? I think camp was another translation too. They certainly seemed to be pretty strange comparisons, and neither one of us could figure it out!

And so I thought it would remain a mystery. There was no reason to think otherwise, I had no intention of researching it any further. Then a few days later, one morning, I heard Cindi say something downstairs in our house while I was getting ready for work upstairs. Thinking she was talking to me I asked her what she said. She told me in jest, "I was just murmuring..... or camping, I don't know which!"
To which I replied, "Maybe you are camping IN your murmuring?"
And then it struck me!
Camping in your murmuring! Dwelling in your murmuring! Lodging in your murmuring! Murmuring and Living there! Perhaps that is what the verse is trying to convey. The idea that the Children of Israel were not just a little upset, and then it passed, but rather that murmuring became their whole life!

Hey, we all grumble and complain sometimes when things don't go our way. Often the complaints might be over little things that cause momentary inconveniences. In a hurry going somewhere, and a shoe lace breaks, or the car won't start, or you get a flat, or there is construction, or you get a ticket! All are reasons to cause us to murmur temporarily.

Now, consider the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness. Think of why they were "wandering" in the first place. Because no matter what happened they were never satisfied. For 400 years they were in slavery to Egypt, and all those years they would murmur because of their bondage. Then they were delivered by miracles from their bondage, and no sooner got their first taste of freedom, that they complained against Moses over and over again, and in fact, their complaints were really against the God who delivered them and not Moses. They dwelled on their complaints time and time again. Never satisfied! They actually longed for their slavery to Egypt once again!!

Thing about that the next time you start to murmur. Is it something that is rare and passing, or are you murmuring so often that you find yourself Camping In Your Murmuring!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Honor The Revelation In You

Last month my wife Cindi and I went to the 35th Anniversary ministry conference at the House of the Lord in Dickson Tenn. hosted by Bob and Charlotte Torango. It was my first time there, after a long awaited intention to go, having finally come to pass! While this post is not meant to center on the convention, I would like to recommend the ministry of both Bob and Charlotte, as worthwhile to anyone wishing to hear a mature word from the Word that is sure to bless any efforts you make to explore what they have to offer by clicking Here.

It was on our way home (during the 13 hour driving time of some 850 miles or so), that I was discussing with Cindi something about what Bob said during his message. Without the tape to review, I believe I would still be accurate in conveying that what he basically said was that there are many times ministers would "dumb down" or "water down" their message to accommodate  the lack of maturity of their hearers. It is needful to bring the maturity up to the level of the message, not the other way around.

My comment  to Cindi about it was that "We must each honor the revelation God has given us!" Not everyone has the same understanding of Truth. No one person has all Truth, but some do have a greater understanding or revelation of Truth than others do; it is simply a clearly unarguable fact. Some are sure that there is a God. Others know that Jesus is their Savior. Still others know that Jesus is the Savior of the World! Whatever the level of revelation, none of it is possible without the Holy Spirit! I Cor. 12:3 "Therefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit"

I remembered I wrote an earlier post where I said "There are many ways that lead to the ONE Way!"  "Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me" John 14:6 and also John 6:44 "No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."  So, I am persuaded that whatever we believe is a direct result of whatever purpose God has intended; even for those who are without acknowledging any faith; to those who are not of any Christian faith; all the way to those of the highest level of Spiritual revelation; each is a result of the planned purpose of God!

So what does that mean, that it doesn't matter what anyone believes because all will eventually be saved? Well, yes and no. Yes all will be saved, but no, it does matter what one believes because that is the reason for the Gospel, to spread the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ and free people from their bondage to sin!!

It does matter if someone has no faith, or a false faith, because that is NOT Good News, and in spite of knowing that God's will and purpose has brought them to this point, you must be sensitive to the Spirit so as to not dishonor the Revelation of Truth that is in you! It is NOT okay to leave them in their sin and deception, and bondage to sin and death! What love is that? Our hope should always be that God would use us as a vessel for His purpose to share His Love for Creation with those we meet, so as to be a part of setting creation free!! While we do know that ALL creation will be saved according to the plan of God, what we do not know is when that day will come for them, and whether He will use us on that day to set them free NOW!

Consider Paul's earnest desire in Eph. 3:11 "According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. 13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named , 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." 

Paul was not content with the revelation that he had to keep it to himself. He did not think that since God's purpose is to save all of creation, he did not need to share that fact with others now. As a matter of fact, it was almost impossible for him to keep such a glorious Gospel secret! And because he could not keep it secret, he suffered many things at the hands of those who did not agree with him, and who wanted to silence him.

I often think how hard it would have been for Paul to be the first to have a revelation of the Gospel to the Gentiles, and to then proclaim it to everyone for the first time. At least we have the benefit of the Christian Gospel being a known quantity, in spite of the fact that we also know there are many levels of understandings, and misunderstandings!! However, when Paul would preach to the Jews, they knew the only written word they had at the time; the Torah, (the Old Testament). He had to take what Scriptures they knew, and to explain to them the revelation of the Truth of the meaning of those Scriptures, much like we might take the verses that many Christians know, and try to explain to them the Spiritual depths of Truths contained in those Words. Much like I try to do with these blog posts.

All I am wanting to do with this blog is to honor the revelation that is within me, and to share what insight I have been blessed with receiving from the Lord, in the hopes that He would take these feeble words, and to give them the power needed to expose more of the wonders of the unspeakable goodness of our Glorious Lord and Savior. If anything I write gives you any greater spiritual understanding than you had before, then please, recognize the greatness of the gift you have been given, and Honor The Revelation In You

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Triple Witness!

I am very blessed to have a friend with whom I share such a harmony of Spiritual understandings and beliefs. He (figuratively) speaks with my voice! With permission, I am very pleased to post the writings from a recent email he sent me. I am posting this because I do believe that our Heavenly Father will see to it that all those He has purposed will receive the intended benifit....... enjoy!

"It (this email) is meant to be the first in a series of thoughts. Just trying to get my thoughts organized on where He has me in the walk presently-

There is the triple witness of the six and then there is the triple witness of the seven. These are the two realms. There are many levels and experiences within each realm so much so that it would seem we would traverse and occupy a myriad of different realms. The realms also mix at times. However, I believe all experience is ultimately wrapped up in these two realms.

Seven is the realm of God. He rested on the seventh day because He had finished His work. He would not have rested if there be more work to do. This is a type for this example I lay out. His rest on the seventh is testimony to us that the end is secure. His rest testifies that His work was, is and will be complete....

Seven is the realm of God. To amplify this realm we could witness it three times for Jesus quoting the scripture said that out of the mouths of two or three witnesses everything is established. So, we could say a solid witness of this realm is 777.

Natural man is always desiring to become Godlike. He reaches out for it but cannot obtain it. The athiest that denies God does so to become Godlike. He casts the king out of his land so that he might rule himself. Others that espouse this religion or that one desire to elevate God to rule within themselves but fall short unless He be gracious enough to give them light. So, natural man is the six witnessed to three times to be established. He is the 666.

Look how close the natural man is to God! How much closer can the six get to the seven? He is directly below the close. The natural man has the impulses to be Godlike within him.....these latent impulses he picks up from the higher realm of the Seven but he cannot descern how to carry them out. He desires to conquer the very heavens so he builds spaceships and desires to traverse the heavens but doesn't know there be a better answer.....

The triple six man desires to cure the world of all of it's pain and misery. He desires to stop the hurt within and without, medicine, government, economy....But, so many things weigh him down, pull him back, stand in the way. He is afraid of death and doesn't understand that this is what drives him. He covers it over, avoids the question, lives for today.

He wants to love but doesn't really know how....

I say none of this to condemn any man in a fleshly carnal way. No man can help but walk out what he is given. But all will be given the way into the realm of the triple seven in His chosen time. Has He not allowed many, if not all, to be clearly touched by it from time to time during their sojourn here? He communes for a moment here and there with each man, I think. There are brief moments of total clarity and revelations...... There are brief moments of an understanding of love.......But, the moment is covered over and some lingering fragrance is allowed to remain that spurs a man on....Man reaches out for what he doesn't understand and he wants to understand....

Then, there are some that are actually inhabited by the triple Seven in power. He moves them to find a way to break free from the realm of the triple six even as He uses the encumberances of this realm to purge them and set them free.

But, Jesus came to the very best of the realm of the triple six and they did not see Him. The Hebrews were God's chosen people. They gave alms in His name. They studied His words and laws tirelessly. They loved as best they knew how....They were the best of the 666 and they didn't recognize the 777. How close and yet far away is the 666 from the 777 to not have an inkling of His presence amongst them?

We are like this. We have the 777 within us and must be set free from all that is 666 that still permeates us. Some walk in this realm but all they put their hand to is used of the 777 within them, is swallowed up in the higher realm, elevated.

I believe the 777 has a name. His name is Jesus and the simplicity of finding the way out of this lower realm into the higher is fellowship with Him......"


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not Of Works!

For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Eph. 2:8,9.

This quote is one that most Christians are familiar with, and moreso, many have put it to memory. It is a verse that I have written and expounded about many times, even within earlier blog posts. Most of my emphasis has been on the subject of grace, and oh what an unsearchable and glorious subject it is!

However, this time I am compelled to write about a different part of the verse, and that is works! I say I am compelled because it was recently that this topic came into my thoughts, and presented a completely different way of looking at the meaning of the word, "works"!

 The way I have always heard it explained until now, and the way I have always understood it to mean is that we are not saved by our works, or our good deeds. All of the money we give to charity, all of the people we help, all of the kindness we show are all works that will not count as a substitute for grace to gain any measure of acceptance for our salvation. And indeed that is true. We cannot reject grace and expect that we can do anything of our own self effort to merit salvation.

All of that is true, and yet what I began to see in a different way is that perhaps the works that is refered to in this verse is actually the "works of the Law"! Do you see the difference? The works of the Law is the effort to keep the 10 Commandments. Grace, and the Law are diametrically opposed to each other, and this view adds strength to the verse.

Romans 3:20 "Therefore by the deeds (works) of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin."

And again in Galatians 2:16 "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified."

Something very few Christians realize is that the Law of Moses, or the 10 Commandments were never written to, nor meant for, anyone other than the Jewish nation before the time of Christ, and neither were they written with the expectation that they could be kept! Let me say that again, and you can even go back and re read this as many times as necessary until it sinks into the deep recesses of your Spirit, you were never expected to nor required to keep the 10 Commandments! In fact, trying to keep the Law is an offense to God! And yet, do not most churches teach some form of such obedience?

The fact is that hidden within each law itself is the desire to break that law, which the natural man is subjected to not willingly. Romans 5:20 "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:"

This is what Paul is explaining here in Romans 7:7,8 "What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. No, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, You shall not covet. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, worked in me all manner of covetousness. For without the law sin was dead."

I first saw this principle so clearly by something I read from Jeff Priddy, whose pen name is known as Martin Zender. He pointed out that a Christian's obsession with displaying the 10 Commandments everywhere would have the opposite effect of what was intended, and actually create a bunch of law breakers instead! It is within the natural man to reject Grace, and to try to save themselves by their own efforts, and when they cannot, it only builds frustration and anger at a God who they see as harsh and unloving for such high demands, or they become very religious and like the Pharisees, full of self righteousness!

So, we come back to the beginning, and once again declare that For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

And so what happens to the 10 Commandments? What part do they play? Well much more can be said than this post would permit, but let me just say that for the Christian, Grace turns them into Promises! Instead of being a commandment to obey, they become a character of your New Creation Being! Instead of "Thou shalt not", it becomes, "You will not", because it is not in your nature to do otherwise!" (And you thought nothing really happened when you prayed for Jesus to come into your life :-))!!!

Does that not make sense to you? Do you now see Grace as something much more marvelous than you did before? Oh, it is even more wonderful than you can imagine even now! More wonderful than mere mortal words can explain. It is Grace that makes you a new creation! It is Grace that changes your nature! It is Grace that gives you the desire to live a life pleasing to God! And it is Grace that gives you the strength to accomplish that desire!

Grace is more than just "unmerrited favor". In the Strongs Concordance if memory serves me correctly, and I think it does.... the meaning for Grace is as follows. "Divine influence upon the heart, and the reflection in the life." Grace is the process of God influencing your heart, and that influence being reflected in the way you live your life!

These are the kinds of posts I like to write. The ones where I can share something new that I never saw before, that gives me joy in knowing more truth. And what a mind boggling truth it is when seen with greater clarity how much more glorious Grace is when we look at how much it is Not Of  Works!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Be Still And Know!

A comedian talks about pricey mattresses advertised for sale, offering the best night's sleep. He asks, "Who can't fall asleep? I fell asleep on a ladder once!"  I think that is what works for me too. My wife likes to sleep with the fan running. She calls it "white noise", I just call it noise! Some nights it still is a difficult thing for me to ignore when I am trying to fall asleep. I am convinced that some nights it is just being tired enough to fall asleep on a ladder that allows me to eventually block out the noise, and succumb to sleep.
But sleeping habits is not the purpose of this post, rather the need that many people have for a constant barrage of noise attacking their auditory sensors! You have seen it, kids especially, walking down the street with headphones on listening to music. Heck, there is hardly anyplace you can go where there is not some sort of noise trying to get your attention! Go into a restaurant... music. Go into a mall... music. Go into an elevator... MUSIC! It does not even matter if you like the style of music playing, you are being forced to listen to it. Cars driving down the street with music blaring. Sports games filled with noise, not just from the game itself, but a baseball game I went to with my dad last week had sound effects playing during lulls in the game. I guess maybe golf might still be quiet?

So far, you might think I am against music! Well, I am not. The point is constant noise! Even I bought a portable Sirius radio, that I can take with me in the truck at work while I am on a long drive to pass the time. The radio broke recently, and in the time getting one to replace it, I had many quiet days in the truck. It was during those times that it became obvious how hard it was to drive in silence, (not counting the road noise). I was trying to block out the silence without a radio! At the same time, I discovered the purpose of this post!

In my last post, I mentioned hearing a verse in my Spirit while I was in the shower, and that it happens often for some reason. I have a couple theories, but the one pertinent to this post is that it is one of the few times that God can get my attention! When I used to sleep without a fan blowing, then it was often in the time between being conscience and sub-conscience, that I would ponder many of the spiritual mysteries.

How often have we said how much we wish God would talk to us? "I want to hear from God." "I want to know what He want's me to do with my life." "I wish I knew why a certain thing happened?" "What does a particular passage in the bible mean?" "What do I do about a certain person who I don't get along with?" This is just a sample of questions to get you to come up with your own list, and then to have you ask yourself..... Are you listening for His answer?

Or are you so bombarded with noise, that you cannot hear Him? The fact is that He can shout above all of your noise and get your attention, but it seems to me that it is us who needs the quiet to hear clearly with our spiritual ears. It is my conviction that most people bombard themselves with noise to drown out the chance that God would speak to them, because they are not interested in hearing Him, because they are afraid of what they have heard about what God is like from Christians who are misrepresenting Him as some vengeful Dictator! Not much different than sticking your fingers in your ears and going, "la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.... to drown out someone telling you something you want to ignore!

Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." There is a first thing, to get to the second thing. Be still first, and get to KNOW secondly! The result is a rippling effect where God will then be exalted not just by us, but among the heathen!

I Kings 19:11,12  " And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Like I said, God can shout to get your attention if He chooses, but it is my experience that He will tell you His intimate secrets in a whisper. I sure like being one that He feels free to whisper His secrets to, and I  too find myself easily pulled by the distractions of life. I listen to the radio too much. I watch too much T.V. I read the paper, instead of the bible! I do crosswords, instead of studying His Word.

To be honest, I began doing some of these things on purpose because I was trying to distract myself from hearing from God, because I could not find an outlet to express what was being bottled up inside! From a couple of years after I became a Christian, I felt like God was calling me to preach, and while I spent years studying to pursue that calling, other than teaching some bible studies, nothing much came of it. Even this blog is somewhat of an outlet for me to let off some Spiritual steam so to speak. ha.

That is part of the reason for some of the long delays in posting. But, sometimes I do become aware that I miss Him! I am reminded by inner nudges that He misses me too. But I want more! That has always been my hearts desire.... more of HIM! More, more, more! Even when I don't, I really do! I notice it most when I am willing to  Be Still And Know!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Being Led Into The Wilderness!

Recently, it came to the forefront of my thinking where it seems like quite some time has past that life has been going rather smoothly! No major disasters to contend with. No financial collapses. No pestilence or plagues. Okay, that is a little over the top, but you get my drift. I am not talking on a world stage here, I am talking personally. The stormy seas have been calm, and things are going pretty good. Not that we won a million dollars or anything, but no major problems to deal with either.

The funny thing is that when I considered that, I also had the same gut reaction that my wife had when I mentioned it to her. "Oh man, I should not have said anything, now that ruins it, and something bad will probably happen!" It is like we were only safe, as long as we did not notice it, or say it out loud! ha!

At the same time as I was thinking how tranquil life has been for a pleasant change, a verse for this subject came to mind  while I was in the shower,(for some reason that happens a lot). The verse is found in Matthew 4:1 "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."

The first thing to take note of in this verse, is that which is not usually considered. Jesus was NOT led into the wilderness by the devil. It was the SPIRIT that LED Jesus into the wilderness for the express purpose that He would be tempted by the devil! Ponder that for a moment......

Religion teaches a reward and punishment system of God's way of dealing with mankind. It is the Religious system's way of explaining everything in the Bible, and every action on earth. As far as they are concerned it is okay if bad things happen to bad people, but impossible to understand if good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to "so called" good people. Read Psalm 73 for good insight to this.

It is easy for many to believe when we are going through difficult times that God is busy elsewhere! It is so common for many to think that God uses our troubles as punishments for something that we did, or did not do, though many times our own actions bring positive or negative consequences of their own. In other words the reaping and sowing principle.

In my younger spiritual days, I honestly thought that when I slipped and stepped into a pit of scalding water causing 3rd degree burns on my leg, that God allowed it to happen because I smoked cigarettes! How foolish! Even more so, if you really think about it, how slanderous against the character of our Creator!
Of course we do have a desire to know why.

More important is what is our motive behind the question why? I once read a quote that said, "A son never has to ask why." The meaning behind the quote is that with maturity comes understanding. A child is naturally self centered. Everything revolves around their own needs and wants. It takes maturity to grow out of it... maturity not age... and to begin thinking of others.

A child will always question why. They will always want to know why they can't have their way. Some times a parent will just say "Because I said so, that's why!" It does not solve their selfishness, but it does end the discussion. A son doesn't need to even have the discussion because he has learned that his father loves him, and whatever decision the father has made comes from a heart of love and is for his own good, and that many times the father has more information to base his decision on than the son knows.

All that the son needs to know is that the father loves him. As you can see already, all that we should need to know is that our Heavenly Father loves us! We say we know, but knowing because you read it, or have been told it, or even say it out loud is much different than knowing it experiencially! We learn it experiencially with our earthly father. We learn it experiencially with our Heavenly Father too!

Jesus had just come out of the river Jordan from being baptized, and having a voice that only some recognized saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased!" That is all he needed to know to withstand any testing he was to go through during the next 40 days. Testing lets you know what you are made of. How many times have you heard someone say, or even said yourself, "I don't know what I would have done in a particular situation."? We never know until we are put into a situation what our reaction will be. If our life, or our comfort, or our reputation is at stake, will that divert our actions away from our beliefs?

What better way to find out than in the wilderness? Tired, stressed, behind schedule; what better way to find out what you are made of than when your defenses are down? Jesus had fasted for 40 days, and was very hungry.

No one looks forward to going through difficult and uncomfortable times. And to be honest, I would like to see this easier time of rest from the struggle of daily living continue. But one thing that has happened over these many years of relationship with my Father, is that I have matured some, I am more of a son than ever before, so I am learning more to trust His love for me, when the time comes, as I am once again Being Led Into The Wilderness!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Living HIS Faith!

I am very well aware that it has been several months since my last post. I have certainly never thought it would take so long to write another post again! I have several 1/2 written posts in the draft section. I have even had many more ideas for posts while I am otherwise occupied, and unable to write them down, only to have them disappear into that unwritten draft section of my thoughts. However my goal for this blog has been to never waste anybodies time who would read my blog, with posts that were not at least purposeful and thought provoking and interesting. I hope I am accomplishing this goal.

Today is Easter Sunday, and while I am not writing this with a particular interest for an Easter message, it is only because of that Resurrection day that we have any Good News of the Gospel to write about at all! As Paul says in Rom. 4:25 "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification."  And again in  I Cor. 15:14 "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain."

It is not just that Jesus died, but the fact that He rose again from the dead which is the Good News of the Gospel! If He had not risen from the dead, then there would be no Gospel, no Good News to tell, and nothing to believe; no basis for faith since the wages of sin would still be due!

But He is Risen indeed! And we have a basis for faith, and our salvation is assured! Not because of anything we have done, but all because of what He has done! We were under the penalty of sin because of another, and we are also declared righteous because of another!

Paul says in Ephesians 2:8,9 "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

I am always surprised by the number of Christians who will quote this verse in order to suggest that they are indeed not saved by their deeds, and then will list their faith as though that is something that they can brag about. But if you read the verse carefully, you will notice that it says we are saved by faith... yes, but is it our faith that saves us? NO... it is the gift of God! The truth is that it is not just grace which is a gift of God, but the FAITH to believe that is the Gift of God!

This is important to understand. If it is a matter of you exercising some measure of your own faith to believe, that separates you from all of the other unbelievers, then your faith becomes not only a work in which you can boast but also something for which you are responsible to maintain! Do you not see that the only thing which separates you from any other non believer is the fact that God has placed within you a revelation of the Truth, and the faith to believe that truth, that he has not yet given to another. It is a truth that you played no part in meriting, deserving, earning, or even some act of receiving on your part to have that revelation!

If you can say "I believe that Jesus died on a cross for my sins, and rose again on the third day." If the reason for the celebration of Easter is something that you believe, then by all means enjoy the celebration of that fact, also knowing that were it not for the gift of that faith to believe being imparted to you, then you too would be blinded in ignorance.

"Therefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit." I Cor. 12:3 So you see that you cannot believe; you would not have even the faith to say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit!

What about the others who don't believe? Well, for now, lets just say that they don't believe yet!...But they will! "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming." I Cor. 15:22,23.

There are so many directions that the rest of this post can go which would distract me from my initial purpose, so having laid the basis from what is already said, I will move more towards my point.

Having seen that it is HIS faith by which we believe unto salvation, we also must not forget that it is also HIS faith by which we live out this New Creation Life we have! If you try to live by faith in your own faith, or your own efforts of trying to do all of the right things, you will fail! And failing leads to disappointment, and frustration, and self inflicted doubts!

I was reminded of an earlier time in my Christian walk where I was plagued by doubts! How do I know that what I believe is real? What if I am being deceived? Is God really real? Am I saved? I did not know that it was not my faith that sustained my Christian life, and so every time I would do something wrong, then I would question my faith, and wonder if I could ever live good enough to please God!

"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth .... Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" Gal. 3:1-3

God is not waiting for you to do all of the right things, and to say all of the right things, and to believe all of the right things before He will change your life. He is already in the midst of changing your life every day! We do not see it very often, partly because some changes happen slowly, and sometimes we focus on how far we think we have to go, not how far we have come! As I said in an earlier post; we are on a journey not to a destination, but to a transformation! There is a Greek word that describes this transformation from which we get the English word Metamorphosis. The dictionary defines it in part as "change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means" The bible describes it as becoming a brand new creation in Christ and that is a change in our Spiritual being!

It is because of this change in our Spiritual being, that has such an effect on our natural man! The problem comes when we try by the best efforts of our natural man, to live the life of our Spiritual man! We try to prop up our faith based on evidence of some kind. We would judge ourselves based on our thoughts or behavior or biblical understanding, or even subjective holiness! And since it is impossible for the natural man to please God, "because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so," Rom. 8:7 ASV then we fall under self condemnation!

So then, if you recognize yourself as one who has been having a hard time TRYING to live the Christian life; as one who has tried to please God with all of your efforts and controlling your behavior; if you have been having doubts about your faith in God, or His existence, or your salvation, then STOP! Lay all of that aside! Don't try to believe just believe! Don't try to have enough faith, let Him live His faith in you! Don't try to live the Christian life based on a set of laws, and do's and don'ts. Instead let go of all of your efforts, and let Him live His Life through you, and then effortlessly, and without any fear or condemnation, you will find yourself going through the day just Living His Faith!